This release corresponds to the version of the software accepted in Journal of Machine Learning Research
- Reorganized folders and renamed scripts
- Tutorials migrated to Jupyter notebooks
- Added tests for code and tutorials
- Added continuous integration with travis
- Added datasets and table of dataset characteristics
- Fixed language typos
- Fixed hyperlinks in documentation
- Refactored runAlgorithm to fitpredict
- Tested on Octave 4.4
- Easier installation process
- Bugs corrected related to key/value parameters processing in several methods
- Added different link functions to POM
- Added new methods: LIBLINEAR and HPOLD
- Added option to perform reports with the sum of generalization matrices
- Suppressed most compilation warnings
- Homogenize shape of matrix in model files
- Parameter selection can be done from the API
- INI files allow defining multiple experiments of different methods