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=== Responsive Slider Plugin ===
Contributors: awordpresslife
Tags: slider, slide, slide show, carousel, gallery, slideshow, image slider, slider gallery, slides, slider plugin, wordpress slider plugin, responsive slider, slider, plugin, shortcode, widget, widget slider, content slider, touch slider, picture slider, photo slider, album slider, shortcode, widget
Donate link:
Requires at least: 3.8
Tested up to: 4.7
Stable tag: 0.4.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Responsive slider plugin for your WordPres website

== Description ==
Fully Responsive Light Weight Easy Powerful WordPress Slider Slideshow Plugin

Slider plugin provides a powerful engine for adding photo or image slides, with the ability to batch upload, import media data, add/delete/rearrange/sort slides and more. You can publish slider at front-end on blog post, page and in all widget areas available in theme.

Create slider from plugin admin dashboard and copy the slider generated shortcode at bottom of slider setting. Embed copied slider shortcode into any blog Page, post, widget area and publish on your blog.

Q. How slider shortcode look like?

Ans. It's look like: `[awl-slider id=111]` Here `id = 111` is your slider post id.

**<a href="">Try Plguin Demo</a>**


> #### **Demo for Lite and Pro Version**

> * [Slider Responsive Sideshow Premium]( "Slider Responsive Sideshow Premium")
> * [Multiple Slides]( "Multiple Slides")
> * [Transitions Effect]( "Transitions Effect")
> * [Slider In Slidebar Widget]( "Slider In Slidebar Widget")
> * [Slider With Content]( "Slider With Content")
> * [Try Admin Demo]( "Try Admin Demo")
> * [Buy Premium Version]( "Buy Premium Version")

**Major features in standard slider plugin include:**

* Responsive Slider Design
* Carousel Slider Plugin
* Slider Customization Settings
* Sidebar Widget Slide Show
* Footer Widget Slide Show
* Embed Slider into any your theme template
* Standard WordPress Import and Export
* Slide Navigation
* Touch Slide
* Auto Play Slider Slide Show
* Cross Browser Compatibility
* Slide Navigation Control
* Slider with Title
* Slider with Descriptions
* Slider with Link
* Link Slider
* Widget Slider
* Footer Widget Slider
* Content Slider
* Theme Slider

**<a href="">LEARN MORE ABOUT - Responsive Slider Premium</a>**

= Recommended Plugins =

The following are other recommended plugins by the author:

* [Portfolio Filter Gallery]( "Best Portfolio Filter Gallery") - The Gallery Plugin to create awesome Portfolio Filter Gallery Plugin in minutes. 

**Buy Premium Plugin - <a href="">Click Here</a>**

* [Media Slider]( "Best Media Slider") - The Media Slider Plugin to create Media / Video Slider Gallery Plugin in minutes. 

**Buy Premium Plugin - <a href="">Click Here</a>**

* [Best Weather Effect Plugin]( "Best Weather Effect Plugin") - Very Simple And Easy To Design Your Sites With Multiple Effects.

**Buy Premium Plugin - <a href="">Click Here</a>**

* [Best Grid Gallery Plugin]( "Best Grid Galley Plugin") - Easy Grid Gallery Widget - Displaying your image in Page & Post widget/sidebar area with very easy.Allows you to customize it to looking exactly what you want.

**Buy Premium Plugin - <a href="">Click Here</a>**

* [Social Media Plugin]( "Social Media") - Display your Social Media Plugin into Widget/Sidebar in WordPress site with very easily.

**Buy Premium Plugin - <a href="">Click Here</a>**

* [Photo Gallery Plugin]( "Image Gallery Plugin") - Displays all  Photo Gallery, Video Gallery, Link Gallery, Map Gallery into Wordpress in just a few seconds.

**Buy Premium Plugin - <a href="">Click Here</a>**

* [Image Gallery Plugin]( "Image Gallery Plugin") - Gallery Lightbox - Displays all gallery images into the lightbox slider in just a few seconds.

**Buy Premium Plugin - <a href="">Click Here</a>**

* [Contact Form]( "Contact Form Plugin") - Contact Form Widget Shortcode Plugin For WordPress.

**Buy Premium Plugin - <a href="">Click Here</a>**

* [Slider Plugin]( "Slider Plugin") - Fully Responsive Slider Gallery For Wordpress ,You can Show Slider Into Page/Post & Widget/Sidebar By Generate Shortcode.

**Buy Premium Plugin - <a href="">Click Here</a>**

* [Video Gallery Plugin]( "Best Video Gallery Plugin") - The Best Responsive video gallery For Wordpress.

**Buy Premium Plugin - <a href="">Click Here</a>**

* [Facebook Like Share Follow Button]( "Facebook Like Share Follow Button") - Display your Facebook Like Share Follow Button Plugin into Page/Post & Widget/Sidebar in WordPress sites with very easily.
* [Google Plus Badge]( "Google Plus Badge") - Google+ Badge & Profile Widget For Show Into Widget & sidebar

* [Facebook Likebox Plugin]( "Facebook Likebox Plugin") - Facebook Light Box Plugin For Wordpress 

== Installation ==
Install Slider either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.

After activating Slider plugin, go to plugin menu.

Click Add New Slider and upload image slides.

Publish the slider and copy slider shortcode from bottom of the slider setting and embed shortcode on any Page/Post/Text Widget.

That's it. You're ready to go!

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
Have any queries?

Please post your question on plugin support forum

== Screenshots ==
1. Slide Show Preview
2. Slide Show Preview
3. Slide Show Preview
4. Slide Show Preview
5. Slide Show Preview
6. Slide Show Preview
7. Slide Show Preview

== Changelog ==
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.4.1
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.4.0
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.3.9
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.3.8
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.3.7
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.3.6
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.3.5
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: compatible for new wordpress version 4.7

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.3.4
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: Yes, User interface layout change

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.3.3
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: Yes, User interface layout change

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.3.2
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.3.1
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.3.0
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.10
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.9
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.8
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.7
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.6
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.5
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.4
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: Working On New Wordpress Version

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.3
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.2
* minor bug fix

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.1
* link removed

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.0
* minor bug fix

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.9
* compatible with latest WordPress version 4.4.2
* minor bug fix

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.8
* minor bug fix

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.7
* <a> tag bug fix
* compatible with latest WordPress version 4.4.1

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.6
* minor bug fix

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.5
* minor bug fix

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.4
* minor bug fix

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.3
* minor bug fix

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.2
* minor bug fix

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.1
* WP 4.4 compatible test done

Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.0
* Enhancements: No Of Slide Settings
* Enhancements: Slide Speed
* Enhancements: Batch Uploader
* Enhancements: Slider Text as Title Descriptions and Link
* Enhancements: Single & Multiple Slide Deletion
* Enhancements: Touch Slide Enable
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None

== Upgrade Notice ==
This is an initial release. Start with version 0.1.0 and share your feedback <a href="">here</a>.