Why waste time reinventing the wheel?
After spending months in the classroom, learning the statistical computation behind artificial neurons, layers, losses, gradients, and backpropagation, it almost felt like I was cheating when I provided inputs to a package and magically arrived at the results.
I started writing simple non-linear equations like sigmoid and softmax. Eventually got to defining loss function and updating weights through backpropagation. Honestly, the code is not great with time complexity O(epochs*input_size). But, it does the job of classification with good accuracy.
- Hidden Layer
- Sigmoid Activation
- Sigmoid Gradient
- Output Layer
- Softmax Activation
- Softmax Gradient
- Loss
- Categorical CrossEntropy Loss
- CrossEntropy Gradient
- ModelBuild
- Forward pass
- Backward pass
- Model Evaluation
- Plots
- Loss vs Epochs
- Accuracy vs Epochs
- Testing
- UCI ML Database - Flag data Training Accuracy 96%, Validation Accuracy 94%
- UCI ML Database - Iris data Training Accuracy 97%,Validation Accuracy 97%