Student at 42 Lyon.
Project link | Description | Languages/Techs | Final grade |
Netpractice | An introduction to networking and IP address | N/A | 100/100 |
Minishell | A custom implementation of bash based on the posix version | 110/110 | |
Philosophers | An introduction to multithreading and forking using mutexes and semaphores | 100/100 | |
Push_swap | A sorting algorithm using 2 stacks and limited operations | 125/125 | |
Minitalk | Hangle signals | 125/125 | |
FdF | A graphical introduction project using an educative library | 125/125 | |
ft_printf | Custom version of the libc printf function | 100/100 | |
get_next_line | A C function to get lines from a file descriptor using a buffer size | 100/100 | |
BornToBeRoot | A sysadmin introduction project on a virtual machine | 100/100 | |
Libft | My custom implementation of libc functions | 125/125 |
Project link | Description | Languages/Techs |
Portfolio | Make my Portfolio | |
Scraping | Scrap a Website | |
Sudoku | Make a sudoku game |