How to detect objects by using SSD models in tensorflow.
- Help to detect objects by using trained SSD models and detect script.
- I downloaded and changed PASCAL-VOC2007/VOC2012 data into tfrecord, and trained and tested SSD models in SSD Tensorflow.
- It can detect 20 classes objects included animal/traffic/house/people etc.
- Python
- NumPy
- Tensorflow
- Get code
git clone --recursive
cd SSD_detect_tensorflow
Get SSD models
Step1: Please download from Baidu Pan:
- Website:
- Password: nv9k
Step2: Please unzip, and move these models (included and VGG_VOC0712_SSD_300x300_iter_120000.ckpt.index) into folder of SSD_detect_tensorflow/checkpoints.
cd SSD_detect_tensorflow/src
- Also import the project into Eclipse, such as "File->Import->General/Existing Projects into Workspace". But you should install PyDev in Eclipse.
- If you have any idea or issues, please keep me informed.
- My Email: jalymo at, and my QQ/Wechat: 345238818
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Any comments or issues are also welcomed.Thanks!