Wow, this is the second time i've had to kill a utility. Beetle was really just a shitty attempt at preserving my pride instead of using other people's libraries, and while it did that alright, i'm too lazy to maintain a bloated package with slightly outdated functionalities and implementations. It will be succeeded by OpenMinePlatform and LittleThings.
A collection of semicentralized utilities for Java development
An easy to use, powerful and modular utility system meant to be the replacement and killer for ElytraForce's old aUtils system. Beetle has a large focus on being object oriented and scalable.
- Service registry
- File management and configuration
- Flexible data storage with transactional-style handling, abstracted between multiple layers of interfaces.
- Runner / taskfutures, a mashup of completablefutures with features like taskchain
- Basic command binding system for platforms that support commands (Check out Branch!)
- Randomizers
- (soon) Data messaging channels
- Spigot
- Paper
- Velocity (Soon!)
- Bungeecord (Soon!)
- Discord(Soon!)
- Generic Java
- Literally any other platform you can think of thanks to the power of interfaces
DM Aesthetik#9784 on discord!
Make pull requests that arent bad and I accept them. It's about that simple!