Python asyncio client for Kraken REST and Websockets API
We follow the gitflow workflow for branches:
- Developer should base their work on
. - Users should use the version from
(also released as a PyPI package)
pip install aiokraken
python -m aiokraken.model.tests
pytest tests/aiokraken/rest # for replay using cassettes
pytest tests/aiokraken/rest --with-keyfile --record-mode=all # for actual server integration test
from aiokraken import RestClient
async def get_assets():
""" get kraken time"""
rest_kraken = RestClient()
response = await rest_kraken.assets()
print(f'response is {response}')
await rest_kraken.close()
bokeh serve --show aiokraken/bokeh_app/
- python 3.7 and above
Contributions are welcome and PR will be merged into develop as quickly as possible.
Here are some guidelines that makes everything easier for everybody:
- Fork it.
- Create a feature branch containing only your fix or feature.
- Add/Update tests.
- Create a pull request.
- Write documentation for the library
The MIT License (MIT)
TODO : Change to GPL (NB: Dan is okay)