This is a port of Articblush Colorscheme for Neovim using lua as backend for this.
- Telescope
- Nvim Tree
- Tresitter
- Lsp
- Lsp saga
- Coc
- Bufferline
- Illuminate
- Diff
- Git signs
- Git gutter
- Lualine
- Ident-BlankLine
You can use packer or vim-plug.
Put this in your packer config:
use {'articblush/articblush.nvim', as = 'articblush'}
Then execute :PackerInstall
or :PackerSync
to install Articblush!
Put this in your config
Plug 'articblush/articblush.nvim', { 'as': 'articblush' }
You can use the following lua code to enable it:
local present, articblush = pcall(require, 'articblush')
if not present then
error('Can\'t import articblush, make sure you installed it! :v')
nvim_tree = {
contrast = true, -- or false to disable tree contrast
or if you want a more simple example:
nvim_tree = {
contrast = true, -- or false to disable tree contrast
You can enable italics too!
italics = {
code = true,
comments = false -- to disable italic comments, replace to true to enable
nvim_tree = {
contrast = true
Or with vim script if you want (not able the posibility to disable tree contrast, or enable italics)
colorscheme articblush
If you want to have the possibility to setup that options using vim script, use the next snippet as reference
lua << EOF
italics = {
code = true,
comments = false,
nvim_tree = {
contrast = true
This articblush port has lualine integration, too - enable it! (if you use lualine lmao)
require('lualine').setup {
options = {
theme = 'articblush',
-- <SNIP>
-- <SNIP>
You can get the colors of articblush using the articblush-lua based API!
local colors = require('articblush.core').get_colors()
will return the light articblush palette