This section is only for 00-03 titled experiments (JNI related ) in this repository.
- A Java Compiler “javac” which ships with the SDK
- A Java Virtual Machine “java” which ships with the SDK
- A native method c header file generator “javah” which ships with the SDK.
- A C/C++ compiler “cc” that can create shared library
To run the program related java native interface follow the following commands for linux on terminal :
- Compile the java code.
- A
- Java file name.
- Create C/C++ header file.
- A
- class file name.
javah A
- Create a shared library file using the C/C++ file created using terminal.
Put lib and then the name for the file written inside the .java file under static block.
Example -
static { System.loadLibrary("JNIDemo"); }
Then library file's name should be
- C file name.
How to get jdk folder path in linux
If you don't have jdk1.8.0* then follow these commands if you are using ubuntu or any debian based distro :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install default-jdk
Enter password (if you have) and Press Y/y
Go to root directory and search for jdk1.8.0 or a file jni.h
You may get the folder then can copy the path for include folder and linux folder
gcc -fPIC -I"/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_181/include" -I"/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_181/include/linux" --shared -o B.c
- Run the java program.
- A - Name of class file.
java -Djava.library.path=. A
This section will show you how to use these projects (04 - 07)
For 04-jb-non-visual-bean
- If you are a IntelliJ IDEA user then directly import the project or open this project in IDE.
- If you are a Netbeans user then follow the steps :
- Create a new project.
- Choose JavaFx Application.
- Name the project whatever you want and finish.
- Go to workspace directory of Netbeans and delete src folder.
- Paste src folder from 04-jb-non-visual-bean
- Build and run the project now.