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DataGrid helpers for easy creating CRUD in Laravel Framework Applications


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DataGrid helpers for Laravel Framework Applications

This package helps to create DataGrid (CRUD) pages for Laravel 6+ framework applications.


  • PHP >=7.1
  • Laravel 6+
  • Bootstrap 3+


This project is released under the MIT License.
Copyright © 2020 ApPHP.


Begin by pulling in the package through Composer.

composer require apphp/laravel-datagrid

Next, make sure you connected Bootstrap. You may either pull in the Bootstrap's CSS within your HTML or layout file, or write your own CSS classes based on them.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

If you need to modify the datagrid files, you can run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Apphp\DataGrid\DataGridServiceProvider"

Usage in Controllers

1. Import classes

use Apphp\DataGrid\Pagination;
use Apphp\DataGrid\Filter;

2. Define filters and filter field types

$filters      = [
    'act' => ['type' => 'equals', 'value' => 'search'],
    'email'    => ['title' => 'Email', 'type' => 'string', 'compareType' => '%like%', 'validation' => ['maxLength' => 150]],
    'name'     => ['title' => 'Name', 'type' => 'string', 'compareType' => '%like%'],
    'username' => ['title' => 'Username', 'type' => 'string', 'compareType' => '%like%'],
    'user_id'  => ['title' => 'ID', 'type' => 'integer', 'compareType' => '=', 'validation' => ['max' => 10000000]],

Following filter field types are available

Type Description
string Any type of strings
integer or int Numeric integer field (HTML type="number" attribute is used)
set Set of values (array)
date The datetime fields

Each filter field can include following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
title String Specifies a title, that will be shown in the label of filter field
type String Specifies a type of the filter field (see above)
compareType String Specifies which type of comparison will be used: ex.: '=', '%like%', '!=' etc.
source Array Specifies the source (array) to 'set' fields
validation Array Specifies validation rules (array). Possible options: ['minLength'=>2, 'maxLength'=>10, 'min'=>2, 'max'=>100]
relation String Specifies the relation between 2 models (One-to-One, One-to-Many), ex.: search in posts for users - relation="posts"
relationXref String Specifies the relation between 2 models (Many-to-Many), ex.: search in roles for users - relation="roles"
htmlOptions Array Specifies any possible HTML attribute for the field
disabled Boolean Specifies whether the field is disabled or not (default - not)

3. Handle filters and prepare SQL builder

// $query = User::sortable()->orderByDesc('id');
$query = User::orderByDesc('id');
$request = request(); // or get it via function param, like foo(Request $request){...}
$url = route('backend.users.submitRote');
$cancelUrl = $url;
$filters = [];

$filter       = Filter::init($query, $request, $filters, $url, $cancelUrl, 'collapsed');
$filter       = $filter::filter();
$filterFields = $filter::getFilterFields();
$query        = $filter::getQuery();

4. Sorting

$sort      = $request->get('sort');
$direction = $request->get('direction');

5. Pagination

$pagination       = Pagination::init($query, 20, $sort, $direction, $filterFields)::paginate();
$paginationFields = $pagination::getPaginationFields();
$users            = $pagination::getRecords();

6. Rendering view

return view('backend.users.mainView', compact('users', 'filterFields', 'paginationFields'));

Usage in View files

    {!! \Apphp\DataGrid\Filter::renderJs() !!}

    {!! \Apphp\DataGrid\Filter::renderFields() !!}
        @foreach ($records as $record)
        <!-- ... -->

    {!! \Apphp\DataGrid\Pagination::renderLinks() !!}
    {!! \Apphp\DataGrid\Message::warning('Sorry, no records were found. Please adjust your search criteria and try again.') !!}


To change default settings and enable some extra features you can export the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-datagrid:config


To change or add new translation files you can export the language files:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-datagrid:lang

Customize Views

To change HTML template of the datagrid or use your own, publish view file and customize it to suit your needs.

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-datagrid:views

Now you should have a datagrid.php file in the config folder of your application. If you need to force to re-publish the config file to use --force.


To rum unit testing simply do following:

./vendor/bin/phpunit vendor\\apphp\\laravel-datagrid\\tests\\TestDataGridMessage.php

or your may add additional section to your composer.json file:

"scripts": {
    "tests": "phpunit --colors=always",
    "test": "phpunit --colors=always --filter",

and then rum unit following command:

composer tests vendor\\apphp\\laravel-datagrid\\tests\\TestDataGridMessage.php
composer tests vendor\\apphp\\laravel-datagrid\\tests\\TestDataGridPagination.php
composer tests vendor\\apphp\\laravel-datagrid\\tests\\TestDataGridFilter.php

and so on...


Controller code (full example)

public function index(Request $request)
    // Additional data
    $roles    = Role::rolesList();
    $statuses = User::statusesList();
    $actives  = [0 => 'Not Active', 1 => 'Active'];

    // Define filters and filter field types
    $filters      = [
        'act' => ['type' => 'equals', 'value' => 'search'],
        'email'    => ['title' => 'Email', 'type' => 'string', 'compareType' => '%like%', 'validation' => ['maxLength' => 150]],
        'name'     => ['title' => 'Name', 'type' => 'string', 'compareType' => '%like%'],
        'username' => ['title' => 'Username', 'type' => 'string', 'compareType' => '%like%'],
        'user_id'  => ['title' => 'ID', 'type' => 'integer', 'compareType' => '=', 'validation' => ['max' => 10000000]],
        'role'       => ['title' => 'Role', 'type' => 'user_role', 'compareType' => '', 'source' => $roles],
        'status'     => ['title' => 'Status', 'type' => 'user_status', 'compareType' => '', 'source' => $statuses],
        'active'     => ['title' => 'Active', 'type' => 'user_active', 'compareType' => '', 'source' => $actives],
        'created_at'    => ['title' => 'Created At', 'type' => 'date', 'compareType' => 'like%'],
        'last_logged_at' => ['title' => 'Last Login', 'type' => 'date', 'compareType' => 'like%'],
    $query = User::orderByDesc('id');
    // Handle filters and prepare SQL query
    $filter       = Filter::init($query, $request, $filters, route('users.list'), route('users.list'), 'collapsed');
    $filter       = $filter::filter();
    $filterFields = $filter::getFilterFields();
    $query        = $filter::getQuery();
    // Sorting
    $sort      = $request->get('sort');
    $direction = $request->get('direction');
    // Pagination
    $pagination       = Pagination::init($query, 20, $sort, $direction, $filterFields)::paginate();
    $paginationFields = $pagination::getPaginationFields();
    $users            = $pagination::getRecords();
    return view('users.list', compact('users', 'filterFields', 'paginationFields'));


If you use some kind of packages for column sorting, like kyslik/column-sortable, you have to change usage of Model to following: Without sorting

$query = User::orderByDesc('id');

With column sorting

$query = User::sortable()->orderByDesc('id');

Table content rendering

You have 2 way to render table content. The first is to write creating table manually in view file. Look on example below:

<div class="table-responsive">
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
        <th class="text-right" width="60px">@sortablelink('user_id', 'ID')</th>
        @foreach ($users as $user)
                <td class="text-right">{{ $user->user_id }}</td>

The second way is to use GridView helper. Look on example below:

// GridView - initialized in Controller
$gridView = GridView::init($records);

return view('backend.users', compact(..., 'gridView'));
{{-- Render table content --}}
        'user_id'           => ['title' => 'ID', 'width'=>'60px', 'headClass'=>'text-right', 'class'=>'text-right', 'sortable'=>true, 'callback'=>null],
        'username'          => ['title' => 'Username', 'width'=>'', 'headClass'=>'text-left', 'class'=>'', 'sortable'=>true],
        'name'              => ['title' => 'Name', 'width'=>'', 'headClass'=>'text-left', 'class'=>'', 'sortable'=>true],
        'email'             => ['title' => 'Email', 'width'=>'', 'headClass'=>'text-left', 'class'=>'text-truncate px-2', 'sortable'=>true],
        'created_at'        => ['title' => 'Created At', 'width'=>'160px', 'headClass'=>'text-center', 'class'=>'text-center px-1', 'sortable'=>true],
        'last_login_at'     => ['title' => 'Last Login', 'width'=>'160px', 'headClass'=>'text-center', 'class'=>'text-center px-1', 'sortable'=>false],

You may also use a callback attribute to customize values of the specific field. This attribute accepts a function, link to function or a closure. Below you may find few examples to get a feel:

Show specific badge if user has verified

'callback'=>function($user){ return $user->isVerified() ? '<span class="badge badge-primary">Verified</span>' : '<span class="badge badge-secondary">Waiting</span>'; }

Show a list of user roles, get array of roles via $roles parameter

'callback'=>function($user) use ($roles){ $output = ''; if(!count($user->roles)) $output .= '<span class="badge badge-light">User</span>'; foreach($user->roles as $role) { $output .= '<span class="badge badge-info">'.$roles[$role->name].'</span> '; } return $output; }

Show user's avatar with a link to edit

'callback'=>function($user){ return '<img src="'.$user->avatar.'" alt="avatar" /> <a href="'.route('', $user).'" title="Click to edit">'.$user->username.'</a>'; }

Collapsed filter

Collapsed filter

Expanded filter

Expanded filter

