I'm Lead Cyber Security Engineer at Raft, a new breed of consultancy dedicated to building solutions that actually work for the US Federal Government, a member of the CNCF TAG-Security, and a freelance writer.
class Alex:
def __init__(self)
self.name = Alex + Floyd Marshall
self.memberships = Cloud Native Security Foundation TAG-Security + Raft LLC + Soren LLC
self.languages = Python + JavaScript + PHP + [🌱'Learning'🌱: 'Goalng', 'C']
self.editor = Emacs
self.stacks = Terraform + Kubernetes + Ansible + MacOS + Linux
self.interests = Cybersecurity + Dev(Sec)Ops + Functional Programming + Test Driven Development
self.hobbies = Playing Guitar + Audio Editing + Amateur Pig Farming + Drinking Tea
from MyBrain import projects
def projects():
r = requests.get(current🔭, future🤔)
return r.json()
"current🔭": [
"name": "Ansible Mac Security"
"base-stack": ["Ansible"]
"description": "Ansible playbook applying CIS and other security hardening best practices to a new Mac out of the box."
"name": "Secure GitHub",
"base-stack": ["Python", "GraphQL", "GitHub API"],
"description": "Python script that uses the GitHub API to configure settings for a repo in keeping with the CNCF Supply Chain Security White Paper recommendations for protecting first-party code repositories"
"name": "Secure Terraform Modules AWS",
"base-stack": ["Terraform"],
"description": "Collection of modules for building secure infrastructure on AWS out of the box. Ensures compliance with CIS, NIST-53, and AWS Security Foundations."
"name": "BangIND",
"base-stack": ["Kubernetes", "Helm", "Docker"],
"description": "A stripped down implementation of a PlatformOne BigBang cluster in Docker (KIND) for local application development and testing."
"name": "LADS",
"base-stack": ["Terraform", "localstack", "Docker"]
"description": "Local AWS Docker Simulator. A docker image running a localstack docker container + terraform testing tools -> easy local development environment for testing terraform definitions."
"future🤔": [
"name": "Cloister",
"base-stack": ["Munki", "S3", "AWS Lamda"],
"description": "Set of tools/services to deploy, manage, monitor, and protect a fleet of MacOS devices in a remote workforce"
"name": "Soren Review",
"base-stack": ["Python", "Swift", "PostreSQL"],
"description": "Speciality news reading mobile app focused on leading think-tanks/NGOs from around the world"
"name": "uSure",
"base-stack": ["golang"]
"description": "Wrapper around package managers that checks for potential mispellings that might point you at a typo-squat package."
I'm happy to talk about ideas, projects, and other ways we might work together. Email