This is a basic web-scraping tool for Instagram-users.
- Download all Post of any Public Profile.
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Enter any Public Profile username, and download a zip of all posts of that profile. Title of that post-pic will be the Date+(number of people in that post, calculated by Instagram's AI model).
- Takes username as input
- Checks for an existing Zip file with that username -> if yes, downloads that file in browser
- Sets-up Puppeteer to launch
- Opens '{username}'
- Checks if the account is private -> if yes, ends process
- Scrolls through all posts and maps img.src with img.alt
- Creates a name for that post with img.alt
- Downloads all posts and stores them in './images/{username} -{numberOfPosts} posts'
- Create a {username}.zip of that images folder
- Deletes Images Folder
- Redirects page to '/{username}.zip'
- Browser Downloads that zip file
Node.js- Puppeteer,Axios,Express