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Simple Circuit Examples

Trevor Grant edited this page Aug 16, 2024 · 1 revision

Basic Circuit in Qiskit

This example demonstrates how to create and execute a basic quantum circuit using the Qiskit backend in the QuMat library.

from qumat.qumat import QuMat  
# Define the backend configuration for Qiskit  
backend_config = {  
    'backend_name': 'qiskit',  # Using Qiskit backend  
    'backend_options': {  
        'simulator_type': 'qasm_simulator',  
        'shots': 1024  

# Create a QuMat instance with the specified configuration  
qumat_instance = QuMat(backend_config)  
# Create an empty circuit with 2 qubits  
# Apply a Hadamard gate on qubit 0  
# Apply a CNOT gate with control qubit 0 and target qubit 1  
qumat_instance.apply_cnot_gate(0, 1)  
# Execute the circuit and get the result  
result = qumat_instance.execute_circuit()  

Expected output:

{'00': a, '11': b}  
# where a and b are the counts measured.  

Example 2: Basic Circuit in Cirq

This example demonstrates how to create and execute a basic quantum circuit using the Cirq backend in the QuMat library.

from qumat.qumat import QuMat  
# Define the backend configuration for Cirq  
backend_config = {  
    'backend_name': 'cirq',  # Using Cirq backend  
    'backend_options': {  
        'simulator_type': 'default',  # Currently, only 'default' is supported  
        'shots': 1024  
# Create a QuMat instance with the specified configuration  
qumat_instance = QuMat(backend_config)  
# Create an empty circuit with 2 qubits  
# Apply a Hadamard gate on qubit 0  
# Apply a CNOT gate with control qubit 0 and target qubit 1  
qumat_instance.apply_cnot_gate(0, 1)  
# Execute the circuit and get the result  
result = qumat_instance.execute_circuit()  

Expected output:

Counter({0b00: a, 0b11: b})  
# where a and b are the counts measured.  

Example 3: Basic Circuit in Amazon Braket

This example demonstrates how to create and execute a basic quantum circuit using the Amazon Braket backend in the QuMat library.

from qumat.qumat import QuMat  
# Define the backend configuration for Amazon Braket  
backend_config = {  
    'backend_name': 'amazon_braket',  # Using Amazon Braket backend  
    'backend_options': {  
        'simulator_type': 'default',  # Currently, only 'default' is supported  
        'shots': 1024  
# Create a QuMat instance with the specified configuration  
qumat_instance = QuMat(backend_config)  
# Create an empty circuit with 2 qubits  
# Apply a Hadamard gate on qubit 0  
# Apply a CNOT gate with control qubit 0 and target qubit 1  
qumat_instance.apply_cnot_gate(0, 1)  
# Execute the circuit and get the result  
result = qumat_instance.execute_circuit()  

Expected output:

{'00': a, '11': b}  
# where a and b are the counts measured.