This is a morse code conversion program. It has 5 files in which 3 are wav audio file and 2 Python files: and file contains all the conversion functions and contains the main runable program. First execute the then a Tkinter window will open, to conver text to morse, enter your message in the input entry and click on 'AlphaNumeric → Morse' button, you will get the morse code in the output box, you can even listen to the morse just ckick on 'Play Morse' button. Remember the input only accepts alphabets and number. To convert morse to text enter the morse code in input entry, leave one space between each character and two space between each word, then click on 'Morse → AlphaNumeric' button, the text will apper in output box.
Please Install the 'simpleaudio' library to play the Morse Code Sound. Pip Command: "pip3 install simpleaudio"