This is an educational implemenetation of RSA that should ABSOLUTELY NOT be used for any real security.
Where 'file' is the path to some file
Where 'file' is the path to some file and 'sign' is the path to a text file that contains the appropriate digital keys
-find a better way of generating large primes
-add support for different file types?
-abstract sign.txt data to make it not obvious in what they represent
-find ways of protecting against different attacks
(i.e. chosen plaintext, "blinded signature" scheme)
-primes p,q must be at least 512 bits (2**9)
-"p-1" and "q-1" should have large prime factors
-gcd(p-1, q-1) should not be too large
-modulo 'n' should be at least 1024 bits (2**10)
-private key 'd' shouldn't be smaller than n**(1/4)