One day I was wondering if I can use Spring Feign client to work with to JSON-RPC server...
The project consist of two modules: client and server. JSON-RPC protocol is used for communication.
Default implementation of JSON-RPC service is that 'Content-Type' http header would be 'application/json-rpc', but Feign by default not support this type. To solve this there're two options:
- (on cleint) Create your own implementation of Decoder interface. Using MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter object you can redefine supportedMediaTypes prop.
- (on server) Redefine 'Content-Type' via AutoJsonRpcServiceImplExporter object.
Both ways were implemented (last one commented out).
To test services work you can run test on client service or run this curl:
curl \
-u user:password \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '{"id":"1","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"multiplier","params":{"a":5,"b":6}}' \