The scala standard library is deficient in many ways. This library is an attempt to rebuild it with some attention given to consistency, performance, and correctness. See views for some details. See overview for the project layout.
Suggested contents for build.sbt
scalaVersion := "2.11.7"
libraryDependencies += "org.improving" %% "psp-std" % "0.5.6"
initialCommands in console := "import psp._, std._, all._, api._, StdEq._, StdShow._"
Then sbt console
and you can look around.
% sbt console
Using libsbt 0.5.7
psp-std repl (ammonite 0.5.0, scala 2.11.7, jvm 1.8.0_66)
psp> 1 to 20 splitAt 10
res0: Split[Int] = Split([ 1, 2, 3, ... ], [ 11, 12, 13, ... ])
psp> 1 to 20 splitAt 10 mapLeft (_.reverse) rejoin
res1: View[Int] = [ 10, 9, 8, ... ]
psp> val xs = 1 to 3 cross vec("a", "bb", "ccc") zipped
xs: ZipView[Int, String] = [ 1 -> a, 1 -> bb, 1 -> ccc, 2 -> a, 2 -> bb, 2 -> ccc, 3 -> a, 3 -> bb, 3 -> ccc ]
psp> val same = xs filter (_ == _.length)
same: ZipView[Int, String] = [ 1 -> a, 2 -> bb, 3 -> ccc ]
psp> println(same.rights mk_s '/')
psp> val modulus = 0 to 9 mapBy (_ % 3, _ mk_s '/') entries
modulus: ZipView[Int, String] = [ 0 -> 0/3/6/9, 1 -> 1/4/7, 2 -> 2/5/8 ]
scala 2.11, java 8, sbt 0.13.7+