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A CFML based component that returns Lambda expressions for minifying HTML at runtime


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HtmlHelper.cfc (Vers. 0.9.5)

Minify your CFML generated HTML at runtime!

If you want to see an enhanced version of this page, please visit

A simple basic CFML component to

  • minify CFML generated html content
  • encode trusted HTML content containing non-compliant/unescaped characters like e.g. €, ü, ö, ß, etc. within a tags inner HTML

1. minifyHtml( string html required )

Converts a whitespace poluted HTML block like this

        <!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hot CFML Page & content</title>
                    <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<style> /* some comment 
        font-size: 1rem; /* set font size */        } </style>

    <meta name="description" content="Just some Example">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">
            </head> <body>
<!--     Say "Hello" to the CFML coders! --> <p>Hello to all CFML devs 😀 🤩 around the 🌎!!! </p>
<script>    /*    this is just some 
            embedded JavaScript          */
console.log('Log Something'); // this is just some Javascript </script>        </body> </html>

... into a minified HTML version like this

<!DOCTYPE html><head><title>Hot CFML Page &amp; content</title><meta charset="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><style> .someClass{ font-size: 1rem; } </style><meta name="description" content="Just some Example"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css"></head><body><p>Hello to all CFML devs &#x1f600; &#x1f929; around the &#x1f30e;&#x21;&#x21;&#x21; </p><script> console.log('Log Something');</script></body></html>

The function minifyHtml() minifies CFML generated html content by:

  • stripping whitespaces, such as all double tabs/spaces/newlines
  • stripping HTML comments
  • stripping JavaScript comments (multiline and singleline)
  • stripping CSS comments
  • honouring and preserving the body content of <pre>, <code> and <textarea>

Passing arguments to minifyHtml() is possible (e.g minifyHtml( htmlString=htmlBlock, stripHtmlComments=true ))

  • htmlString ( string required ): a string containing the complete html code to be minified.
  • stripScriptAndCssComments ( boolean/default=true ): removes all comments between script and style tags. Single line JavaScript comments will be converted to multiline to not break JavaScript Functionality
  • stripHtmlComments ( boolean/default=true ): removes all HTML comments (e.g. <!-- My comment -->)

2. encodeTrustedHTML( string trustedHtml required );

Converts HTML from a trusted source with unencoded characters like this

<div class="someClass">
    I tend to add "€, ä, &, é, ß" and I 
    even might tend to add a > (greater sign)
    directly into my html 😲, because I'm
    a lazy content writer and I don't like 
    adding those as html encoded characters manually!

... into proper html like this

<div class="someClass"> I tend to add &quot;&euro;, &auml;, &amp;, &eacute;, &szlig;&quot; and I even might tend to add a &gt; &#x28;greater sign&#x29; directly into my html &#x1f632;, because I&#x27;m a lazy content writer and I don&#x27;t like adding those as html encoded characters manually&#x21; </div>

The function encodeTrustedHTML() detects and encodes unencoded characters, but preserves valid HTML-Entities and HTML-Tags already present in the submitted HTML.

3. Examples

Example of minifying a whitespace overfilled WordPress page with minifyHtml():

<!--- /examples/cfhttpMinifyHtml.cfm: minifyHtml() --->
<!--- Make sure to override admin setting and read template with correct charset(UTF-8) --->
<cfprocessingdirective pageEncoding="UTF-8">
    // get whitespace polluted wordpress page!
    cfhttp(method="GET", charset="utf-8", url="", result="result" ) {};
    htmlHelperService=new components.HtmlHelper();
    cfcontent( reset = "true" );
        htmlHelperService.minifyHtml( result.filecontent )

Example of encoding a trusted HTML block to escape unescaped characters with encodeTrustedHtml():

<!--- /examples/encodeTrustedHtml.cfm: encodeTrustedHtml() --->
<!--- Make sure to override admin setting and read template with correct charset(UTF-8) --->
<cfprocessingdirective pageEncoding="UTF-8">
<cfsavecontent variable="someHtmlBlock">
        I'm adding some unescaped HTML directly into my HTML! 
        I't doesn't matter if they have already been encoded or not. 
        E.g " &amp; or & " will both create the same source. Add
        letters like ä, ö, Ä, ü, é, punctuations like ~, >, ⁋, ※, 
        currencies like $, €, £, ¥, ₹, symbols like ©, ®, ™, Ω, 
        arrows like →, ↖, ↳, ⇗, emojis like 👋 🤚 🖐 ✋ and they will be encoded properly.
    htmlHelperService=new components.HtmlHelper();
    cfcontent( reset = "true" );
        htmlHelperService.encodeTrustedHtml ( someHtmlBlock )

4. Service Functions as Closure Expression

HtmlHelper.cfc passes the functions minifyHtml() and encodeTrustedHtml() as Closure Expressions to enhance inner local scoping (see code here at GitHub):

cfml html minifier

5. Tips & Security Advisory

  • IMPORTANT SECURITY NOTICE: encodeTrustedHtml() MUST NOT be used to avoid XSS, because it only encodes unencoded characters of the inner HTML (within the body of tags). This function will accept any submitted HTML, JavaScript and Styles and output it as submitted(!) without encoding it for XSS mitigation. For XSS prevention of untrusted HTML you MUST continue to use encodeForHTML(), encodeForHTMLAttribute(), encodeForJavascript(), encodeFor...() respectively.
  • The Regex patterns are set to work with CFMLs default 'Perl' Regex-Engine
  • When using encodeTrustedHTML() always make sure to keep all the charsets among the stream "in sync". Having different charsets for templates, web charset, charset http headers, or resource charsets may have unpredictable wrong html-entities and characters.
  • encodeTrustedHTML() is typically used when you have a fronted CMS with a HTML-Editor where you can manually add custom HTML to a database.
  • You get best performance when you use minifyHtml() only once during the request flow, e.g. at the end of the CFML processing. A good location could be the Application.cfc at the end of the onRequest() function.


7. How to run the repository locally

To test or watch the code running locally, you'll need CommandBox as dependency:

  1. Download the Repository as ZIP-File
  2. Unzip it
  3. Run server.bat on Windows or server.shon MacOs/Linux
  4. Wait for commandBox open the browser and load the page

8. Remarks

I'm not taking anything for this but if you like or you're using it, I kindly ask you to donate to the Lucee Organization to make this awesome cfengine even better:

Lucee Open Collective Donation ❤️

9. About


A CFML based component that returns Lambda expressions for minifying HTML at runtime








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