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Ionic React TypeScript Authentication Course


The authentication part of the ToDo Application CRUD Part of Application


  1. Requirements

  2. To start using this application

  • Signup at back4app
  • Update API Keys in App.tsx
const PARSE_HOST_URL = "";

Start By 🚀

yarn install
ionic serve

Tasks Done

Part 1 Setting up the project and register page

    • Small Demo [x]
    • Requirements [x]
    • Setting up ionic project with Yarn instead of npm [x]
    • Explainning basic project files [x]
    • Creating backend with parse lowcode backend back4app [x]
    • Creating Basic Project Structure [x]
    • Setting up Pages Routing [Login, Register, Home] [x]
    • Setting up GUI Register (styling) [x]
    • Setting up function to handle register of user from api [x]
    • setting up user inputs dynamically [x]
    • passing properties to the front end (Connecting frontend with backend) [x]
    • Fixing Initialze Error by passing the api url [x]
 const PARSE_HOST_URL = "";

Part 2 Login and restricting only logged in users

Part 3 getCurrentUser

  • Added Redirect to Home when user Logs in [✔️] // 1 //setCurrent user as an object , user acts like an object in back4app // var [currentUser, setCurrentUser] = useState<Parse.Object | null>(null); // 1. add an async arrow function getCurrentUser to logout that currentUser [✔️] // 1.1 this function will return a Promise interface to complete the async operation[✔️] // 1.2 pass in the namespace <Parse.User | null> [✔️] // 1.3 create a new const currentUser: Parse.User | null = await Parse.User.current(); [✔️] // 1.4 Pass the currentUser state variable to the state setCurrentUser(currentUser) [✔️] // 1.5 return the currentUser to update it ; [✔️]

  • Added Restricing if statement of the Parse User object when someone trys to acces /login uri [✔️] //utilizng a checkCurrentUser async function that is going to check if the currentUser is empty or not

  • passing the function into a useEffect and calling it inside the useEffect .[✔️]

PT3 III - References

  1. react-slack-clone-app-Back4AppDocs
  2. react-routerdom - api Hooks - useHistory V5
  3. react-routerdom - api Hooks - useNavigate V6
  4. asyncstorage
  5. working-with-users/react-login -Back4App Docs


  1. (Limpitsouni,K & Gesoulis,A , 2022 ) Undraw Open Source SVG Elements© 2022 · Katerina Limpitsouni · All rights reserved


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