email-analyser is an application which analyse email and produces analysed reports of the email.
we recieve automated emails from many application like bank, social application and many others. Email-analyser will allows you to extract details from these emails and you can analysed them for better understanding.
here is examples showing the details which can be extracted using Email-analyser
- 'did your expense increased with time ?'
- 'graph of how much money you paid to a client'
- 'whom you have emailed most number of the time ?'
- here is the graph showing delivery time taken by different e-commerce company for a user
- parse email and perfom task based on the result
- Allows plugins to create custom parser
- Generate beautiful graphs and save data to spread sheet
add you code to FileName.js
var emails=require('botmailer');
/* Gmail Client API key*/
var KEY={};
/* EMail Configuration variable*/
var CONFIG={}
throw data;
/*Here is the emails*/
CONFIG variable Schema [here !] (src/configuration.js.example) :
run your code using node FileName.js