A ubuntu-based provisioning to deploy the Arcade Learning Environment with VirtualBox + Vagrant with all dependencies
Steps to create:
Install VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
Install Vagrant https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html
Create an env variable named ALE_ROOT that will point to the Arcade Learning Environment root. Example:
echo 'export ALE_ROOT=/Users/myusername/ALE-Vagrant-VM/Arcade-Learning-Environment' >> ~/.bash_profile
source bash_profile for the change to take effect immediately:
source ~/.bash_profile
vagrant up
will start the provisioning (it might run a little long the first time as it has to download the ubuntu box image from Atlas (one-time process) -
once complete, you can get to the box by running
vagrant ssh
NOTE: The repo does not have any ROMs available, they are easy to find HERE and otter places scattered around. I ran a test of the setup by running the example script from the VM:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd ~/arcade_env/doc/examples
Note: You will need to add roms to the Arcade Learning Environment ROMs folder.python python_example.py ~/arcade_env/rom/Breakout.bin