File Downloading Center is an iOS downloading library for files.
Download Files based on objects. Download Files based on Urls. Retrieve the current downloading items. Monitor the downloading process using Notification Center. Monitor the downloading process using Delegates. Configuare the internet source (3G/ Wifi). Configure the notification messages for any issue. Restore and resuming the items that were downloading while the Application is interrupted.
The following is the least sample to work with the library, but Acctually you can deal directly with, DownloaderManager or DownloaderQueue corresponding on your level of details that you want.
class Track: DownloadableItem {
var downloadUrl : URL
var downloadableItemDescription : Description
var downloadFileLocation : URL
// MARK:- Optional Functions
var downloadableItemIdentifier : String
var itemGroupBy : String?
func isItemDownloaded() -> Bool
class DownloadSessionConfiguration : SessionConfigurationProtocol {
public static let instance = DownloadSessionConfiguration()
var sessionBackgroundIdentifier: String = "Your.Identifier.background"
var isDiscretionary: Bool = false
var allowsCellularAccess: Bool = true
class MyDownloadableItemProvider : DownloadableItemProvider {
public static let shared = MyDownloadableItemProvider()
func downloadableItem(withIdentifier identifier: String) -> DownloadableItem? {
// Return your item using the identifier (URL)
func downloadableItem(withUrl url: URL) -> DownloadableItem? {
// Return your item using the identifier (URL)
class MyDownloaderManager : ModelDownloaderManager {
public static var shared = MyDownloaderManager()
override var noInternetConnectionMessage: String {
"No Internet Connection !".localized()
override var celluarNetworkInternetConnectionMessage: String {
"Connection may be not allow to establish this downloading session, you may review settings page to enable downloading over cellular connection".localized()
override var sessionConfiguration: SessionConfigurationProtocol {
return DownloadSessionConfiguration.instance
override var downloadableItemProvider: DownloadableItemProvider? {
return MyDownloadableItemProvider.shared
override func allowCelluarNetworkDownload() -> Bool {
return false
override func showErrorMessage(errorMessage: String) {
// Show the error Message.
override func updateItemDownloadFlag(itemIndentifier: String, isDownloaded: Bool) {
// item state is changed to isDownloaded, do your stuff.
5- Call this function in AppDelegate, func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool
That is for restoring the intrupted downloads.
private func initDownloaderManager() {
let _ = MyDownloaderManager.shared
DownloaderManager.shared.restore(downloadableItemProvider: MyDownloadableItemProvider.shared, configuration: DownloadSessionConfiguration.instance, finished: { _ in
// Do your stuff
6- Conform to the "DownloaderListener" protocol in order for listening and handling the callbacks of the downloading progress
Class MyViewController : DownloaderListener {
func addDownloadObserver() {
MyDownloaderManager.shared.addListener(downloaderListener: self, forDownloadableItems: self.downloadableItems)
func removeObservers() {
MyDownloaderManager.shared.removeListener(downloaderListener: self)
// MARK:- Delegates
private func isCurrentDownloader(downloader: FileDownloader) -> Bool {
return downloader.identifier == self.downloadableItem?.downloadableItemIdentifier ?? ""
func downloader(didChangeState fileDownloader: FileDownloader) {
if self.isCurrentDownloader(downloader: fileDownloader) {
if let state = fileDownloader.state
switch state {
case .error:
// Do Your stuff.
case .completed:
// Do Your stuff.
func downloader(didUpdateProgress fileDownloader: FileDownloader) {
if self.isCurrentDownloader(downloader: fileDownloader) {
let progress = fileDownloader.progress!
// Do Your stuff.
func queue(didUpdateProgress downloaderQueue: DownloaderQueue) {
func file(didDelete downloadableItem: DownloadableItem, withError hasError: Bool) {
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
iOS 10.0+ Xcode 10.2+ Swift 5+
FileDownloadingCenter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'FileDownloadingCenter', '~> 1.1'
The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.1.4")
FileDownloadingCenter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.