This was done as a part of the course, DataBase Management Systems.
The ClassicModels database is a management system that uses database technology to construct, maintain and manipulate various kinds of data about the buying and selling of cars, trucks,bikes, ships, ..etc.
To know more about the database, do check out Richard T. Watson's website
This database contains 8 tables (customers, employees, offices, orders, orderdetails, payments, products, productLine)
I have added additional features to this database, that ensure
- Automatic updation of Product Inventory
- Automatic re-estimation of a Customer's credit limit based on his/her purshase history
This project aims at computerizing the manual process of a carSales storeroom. It is made for a company to keep a track of all the automobiles that are bought or sold. The data stored on the database can be used for further data analysis that will help in creating a greater influx of profit for the company.