These are auxiliary RubyMotion commands. Some are provided by the community. Some are provided by RubyMotion proper. Having these commands outside of RubyMotion allows for out of band release/updates to the open source pieces of RubyMotion.
To author a command, create a starting point:
module Motion; class Command
class YourCommand < Command
self.summary = "summary"
self.description = "summary"
def run
puts "hello world"
end; end
You can locally run the command. Start irb
and execute the following:
>$:.unshift '/Library/RubyMotion/lib'
>load '/Library/RubyMotion/lib/motion/command.rb'
>load './your_command.rb'
>c = []
If you need to make updates, change the source file and run:
load './your_command.rb'