Exceptional Developers' portfolio website. https://exdevs.ir
Simply clone and run this website for your personal use :D
- Node.js and npm
- SQLite (As the main database)
- Redis (For session management)
NOTE: This project uses bcrypt
so you should have an LTS version of Node.js.
- Clone this repo:
Rungit clone https://github.com/amirhoseinsalimi/exdevs-ir && cd exdevs-ir
- Install dependencies:
npm i
- Configure environment variables:
, fill all required fields. ForSECRET
field, runnpm run key:generate
and paste the output there. Don't forget to fill the fields for admin user. No worries! Your password will be stored hashed. - Run migrations:
Runknex migrate:latest
. See Knex.js Documentation for more\ - Run seeds:
It's time to seed the database with some data.
knex seed:run
This will also create the admin user for you. Later you can log in with your credentials from/admin
. - Run the website:
a. For development:npm run serve
with a nice hot reload, thanks to Browser-Sync
b. For production:npm start
c. Seepackage.json
for other possible commands.
d. Don't forget to star this repo!