Link to this GitHub Repo.
- Apply Deep learning models for Computer Vision
- Support for images and videos
- Loading data from different source: local, web (URL), upload
- It is designer with a modular architecture, where each app is a class
- Export Analytics KPI to a CSV file
- Display Analytics
- Backend and Frontend separated and shipped in their respective docker image
- Librairies: OpenCV, Python, pandas, Tensorflow, Streamlit
- Frontend developed with python and streamlit
- Backend developed in python with FastAPI, OpenCV, Tensorflow...
Add and image architecture HERE
Create a python virtual environnement using
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
Activate the environnement
source venv_folder/bin/activate
pipenv shell
- Build docker image
docker build -t aminehy/computervision-dashboard:latest .
- Push the docker image to Docker Hub
docker login
docker push aminehy/computervision-dashboard:latest
docker run -it --rm aminehy/computervision-dashboard:latest streamlit run --server.port 8050