#pico 8 compiler
This is a proof of concept for a compiler script for the Pico 8 fantasy console
Pico-8 http://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
Requires watchdog https://pypi.python.org/pypi/watchdog
###Use it like this python picocompiler.py --folder 'folder for scripts' --output 'valid pico-8 file' -r
Put lua files inside of the defined folder and a valid p8 file generated from Pico 8. The compiler should allow you to edit your graphics, sounds and maps separately, but it's not two-way and always keep a backup!!!
Just let it run while you edit the files. If the p8 file doesn't generate at first, try saving a .lua file in the designated folder. You should get a confirmation that a file changed in the terminal log.
I am not responsible for any lost carts this may result in. Please keep frequent backups or use version control while using this compiler. This script replaces all of the text between 'lua' and 'gfx' on compile, so you will lose any edits made inside of the Pico-8 text editor.
- Auto-generate p8 file when no valid one is given
- Merge images and sounds inside folder
- Two-way script editing
- Better formatting
- Show char, token, and space counts in compiler