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Scripts that can be used to automate repetitive tasks when setting up servers, desktops, performing periodic maintenance, or performing automation tasks.
Some of the scripts here are used in the Kenny The Almost Engineer YouTube Channel. An Ubuntu video playlist has been created that demonstrates some of the scripts that are part of this repository. You can watch the playlist by visiting
Code and scripts used on my Youtube channel at
To run the script, just call the script via the command line. If a script requires an argument to be passed, the script will display the values to be passed. Scripts can be called at scheduled times using crontab or other scheduling tool. Scripts were designed to be ran using the Bash shell.
Some of the scripts have some of the paths to programs and files hardcoded into the script. It is recommended that you change the paths to what matches your particular instance.
/path/to/folder/ <codedir>
Replace with the directory that the code exists in.
See LICENSE for more details
Kenny Robinson, @almostengr
Any issues or bugs that you have with the scripts can be addressed by creating an issue