HMO licences from displayed on a map.
on Google Maps:
see more maps on
the script takes around 10 minutes and should report an ETA when run
./ <file.csv> <address cols format string> <postcode column>
# i.e., with format of hmo_licences_issued_to_9_september_2024.csv
./ hmo_licences_issued_to_9_september_2024.csv "%2 %3 %1" 4
a hmos.csv
file should now be available. there may be blank rows to be manually set, find them with:
while read num; do
sed "${num}"'q;d' hmos.csv
done <<< $(cat hmos.csv | csvtool namedcol latitude - | awk '$0 ~ "null" {print NR}')
add some style information (from "Permitted Occupants" column)
# find min/max
csvtool namedcol "Permitted Occupants" hmo_licences_issued_to_9_september_2024.csv | sort -n | uniq -c
# make colour array
# e.g., with or
colors=(0A2F51 0F596B 16837A 1D9A6C 48B16D 74C67A ADDAA1 DEEDCF)
while read row; do
occupants=$(echo "${row}" | csvtool col 5 -)
index=$(($occupants - 4))
[[ $index -lt 0 ]] && index=0
[[ $index -ge "${#colors[@]}" ]] && index=$(( "${#colors[@]}" - 1 ))
echo "home,#${colors[$index]}"
done <<< $(cat hmos.csv | awk 'NR>1') | sed '1s/^/marker-symbol,marker-color\n/' > /tmp/hmo_colors.csv
csvtool paste hmos.csv /tmp/hmo_colors.csv > /tmp/hmos.csv; mv /tmp/hmos.csv hmos.csv
to turn this into a geojson file, use with:
git clone
(cd csv2geojson/; go build main.go)
./csv2geojson/main hmos.csv
make GPX by using an online tool like
create a KML file by uploading hmos.geojson
to and Save > KML
import it to Google Maps (how?), view the data table, duplicate the "Permitted Occupants" column and change the type to number
, and style by Permitted Occupants, range 10 (or otherwise).