🌱 I’m currently learning Computer Vision and Image Processing & Enterprise Application Development
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://ali7haider.netlify.app/
📫 How to reach me ali7haider.dev@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact Football Lover
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E_Commerce_Flutter_App PublicA ecommerce application built in flutter and dart. There are two types of user. Admin and End-user. Admin is responsible for managing and adding product while end-user can view and can buy those pr…
NotePad_Desktop_App_PyQT5 PublicA notepad app built in python with pyqt5 library
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TimeTracking_DesktopApp_PYQT5 PublicA app built in pyqt5 library for time tracking
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TimeTrackingV2_DesktopApp_PYQT5 PublicA desktop app built in pyqt5 for Time Tracking of Employees
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Classification_of_Documents_Using_Graph-Based-Features_and_KNN_GT PublicClassification of Documents Using Graph-Based Features and KNN This project offers hands-on experience with graph theory and machine learning, fostering skills in data representation, algorithm imp…
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SmartSketch_AI-DiagrammingTool_FYP_G-50 PublicThis is Gitflow we will be following. Kindly read it. https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow
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