STAR 2.7.9a --- 2021/05/05 ::: STARsolo: multi-gene reads
Major updates:
- STARsolo can perform counting of multi-gene (multi-mapping) reads with --soloMultiMappers EM [Uniform Rescue PropUnqiue] options.
- PR #1163: SIMDe takes care of correct SIMD extensions based on -m g++ flag: compilation option CXXFLAGS_SIMD is preset to -mavx2, but can be to the desired target architecture. Many thanks to Michael R. Crusoe @mr-c, Evan Nemerson @nemequ and Steffen Möller @smoe !
New options and features:
- New option: --soloUMIfiltering MultiGeneUMI_All to filter out all UMIs mapping to multiple genes (for uniquely mapping reads)
- New script extras/scripts/calcUMIperCell.awk to calculate total number of UMIs per cell and filtering status from STARsolo matrix.mtx
- New option: --outSJtype None to omit outputting splice junctions to
- Simple script to convert BED spliced junctions ( to BED12 for UCSC display: extras/scripts/sjBED12.awk
- PR #1164: SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to make the build more reproducible
- PR #1157: print STAR command line and version information to stdout
Changes in behavior:
- Minor changes to statistics output (Features.csv and Summary.csv) to accomodate multimappers.
- Modified option: ---limitIObufferSize now requires two numbers - separate sizes for input and output buffers
Bug fixes
- PR #1156: clean opal/opal.o
- Issue #1166: seg-fault for STARsolo --soloCBwhitelist None (no whitelist) with barcodes longer than 16b
- Issue #1167: STARsolo CR/UR SAM tags are scrambled in TranscriptomeSAM file Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam. This bug appeared in 2.7.7a.
- Issue #1177: Added file checks for the --inputBAMfile .
- Issue #1180: Output the actual number of alignments in NH attributes even if --outSAMmultNmax is set to a smaller value.
- Issue #1190: Allow GX/GN output for non-STARsolo runs.
- Issue #1220: corrupt SAM/BAM files for --outFilterType BySJout. The bug was introduced with the chnages in 2.7.7a.
- Issue #1211: scrambled CB tags in BAM output for --soloCBwhitelist None --soloFeatures Gene GeneFull.
- Fixed a bug causing seg-faults with --clipAdapterType CellRanger4 option.