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Neural Networks Notes


List of Symbols

$\large s$ = sample
$\large S$ = number of samples in training batch
$\large l$ = layer
$\large L$ = number of layers
$\large n_l$ = neuron at layer l
$\large N_l$ = number of neurons in layer l
$\large w_{n_{l-1}n_l}$ = weight between neurons $n_{l-1}$ and $n_l$
$\large b_{n_l}$ = bias of neuron $n_l$
$\large z_{n_l}$ = intermediate quantity of neuron $n_l$
$\large y_{n_l}$ = output of neuron $n_l$
$\large \hat y_{n_l}$ = target output of neuron $n_l$
$\large A_{n_l}$ = activation function at neuron $n_l$ {Binary Step, Linear, ReLU, Sigmoid, Tanh...}
$\large C$ = cost function {MSE, SSE, WSE, NSE...}
$\large O$ = optimization Algorithm {Gradient Descend, ADAM, Quasi Newton Method...}
$\large α$ = learning rate

Neuron Equations

Neuron Intermediate Quantity

$$ \large z_{n_l} = \sum_{n_{l-1}}^{N_{l-1}}(w_{n_{l-1}n_l} \cdot y_{n_{l-1}} + b_{n_l}) $$

Neuron Output

$$ \large y_{n_l} = A_{n_l}\big(z_{n_l}\big) $$

Training Algorithm

In order to reduce the errors of the network, weights and biases are adjusted to minimize a given cost function $C$. This is done by an optimization algorithm $O$, that modifies the network parameters periodically after running a certain number of training samples. Weights and biases are modified depending on their influence in the cost function, measured by the derivatives ${\partial C}/{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}}$ and ${\partial C}/{\partial {b_{n_l}}}$.

$$ \large \Delta w_{n_{l-1}n_l} = - α \cdot O\big(\frac {\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}}\big) $$

$$ \large \Delta b_{n_l} = - α \cdot O\big(\frac {\partial C}{\partial {b_{n_l}}}\big) $$

Chain Rule

The chain rule allows to separate the derivatives of the cost function into components:

$$ \large \frac {\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} = \frac{\partial C}{\partial z_{n_l}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_{n_l}}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} = \frac{\partial C}{\partial z_{n_l}} \cdot y_{n_{l-1}} = \frac{\partial C}{\partial y_{n_l}} \cdot \frac{\partial y_{n_l}}{\partial z_{n_l}} \cdot y_{n_{l-1}} = \dot C\big(y_{n_l}, \hat y_{n_l}\big) \cdot \dot A_{n_l}\big(z_{n_l}\big) \cdot y_{n_{l-1}} $$

$$ \large \frac {\partial C}{\partial {b_{n_l}}} = \frac{\partial C}{\partial z_{n_l}} = \frac{\partial C}{\partial y_{n_l}} \cdot \frac{\partial y_{n_l}}{\partial z_{n_l}} = \dot C\big(y_{n_l}, \hat y_{n_l}\big) \cdot \dot A_{n_l}\big(z_{n_l}\big) $$


The terms $\dot C (y_{n_l} \hat y_{n_l})$ depend on the output target value for each neuron $\hat y_{n_l}$. However, a training data set only counts on the value of $\hat y_{n_l}$ for the last layer $l = L$. Instead, for all previous layers $l < L$, components $\dot C ( y_{n_l}, \hat y_{n_l})$ are computed as a weighted sum of the components previously calculated for the next layer $\dot C (y_{n_{l+1}}, \hat y_{n_{l+1}})$ :

$$ \large \dot C \big( y_{n_l}, \hat y_{n_l} \big) = \sum_{n_{l+1}}^{N_{l+1}} w_{n_{l}n_{l+1}} \cdot \dot C \big( y_{n_{l+1}}, \hat y_{n_{l+1}} \big) $$

Activation Functions

Binary Step


$$ \large \begin{split}A \big(z\big) = \begin{Bmatrix} 1 & z ≥ 0 \\ 0 & z < 0 \end{Bmatrix}\end{split} $$

$$ \large \dot A \big(z\big) = 0 $$



$$ \large A \big(z\big) = z $$

$$ \large \dot A \big(z\big) = 1 $$

ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)


$$ \large \begin{split}A \big(z\big) = \begin{Bmatrix} z & z > 0 \\ 0 & z ≤ 0 \end{Bmatrix}\end{split} $$

$$ \large \begin{split}\dot A \big(z\big) = \begin{Bmatrix} 1 & z > 0 \\ 0 & z ≤ 0 \end{Bmatrix}\end{split} $$

Leaky ReLU


$$ \large \begin{split}A \big(z, \tau \big) = \begin{Bmatrix} z & z > 0 \\ \tau \cdot z & z ≤ 0 \end{Bmatrix}\end{split} $$

$$ \large \begin{split}\dot A \big(z, \tau \big) = \begin{Bmatrix} 1 & z > 0 \\ \tau & z ≤ 0 \end{Bmatrix}\end{split} $$

where typically:

$$ \large \tau=0.01 $$



$$ \large A \big(z\big) = \frac{1} {1 + e^{-z}} $$

$$ \large \dot A \big(z\big) = A(z) \cdot (1-A(z)) $$



$$ \large A \big(z\big) = \frac{e^{z} - e^{-z}}{e^{z} + e^{-z}} $$

$$ \large \dot A \big(z\big) = 1 - {A(z)}^2 $$

Cost Functions

Quadratic Cost

$$\large C\big(y, \hat y\big) = 1/2 \cdot {\big(y - \hat y\big)^{\small 2}}$$

$$\large\dot C\big(y, \hat y\big) = \big(y - \hat y\big)$$

Cross Entropy Cost

$$ \large C\big(y, \hat y\big) = -\big({\hat y} \text{ ln } y + (1 - {\hat y}) \cdot \text{ ln }(1-y)\big) $$

$$ \large \dot C\big(y, \hat y\big) = \frac{y - \hat y}{(1-y) \cdot y} $$


Normalization is the process of adimensionalizing the input layer, which address a problem known as Internal Covariate Shift.

$$ \large \bar {x} = \frac{x-\mu}{\sqrt{{\sigma}^2+\epsilon}} $$


$$ \large \mu = \frac {1}{S} \cdot \sum^{S} x_s $$

$$ \large {σ}^2 = \frac {1}{S} \cdot \sum^{S} (x_s - \mu)^2 $$

Where $\mu_{\beta}$ and $\sigma_{\beta}$ are the mean and standard deviation respectively, for that mini batch, and $\epsilon$ is small positive value such us $10^{-7}$ to avoid zero division.


Extra terms are added to the cost function in order to address overfitting.


$$ \large C_{n_l} \big(y, \hat y\big) = C \big(y, \hat y\big) + \frac{\lambda}{2 \cdot N_{l-1}} \cdot \sum_{n_{l-1}}^{N_{l-1}} w_{n_{l-1}n_l}^2 $$

$$ \large \dot C_{n_l} \big(y, \hat y\big) = \dot C \big(y, \hat y\big) + \lambda \cdot \sum_{n_{l-1}}^{N_{l-1}} w_{n_{l-1}n_l} $$


$$ \large C_{n_l} \big(y, \hat y\big) = C \big(y, \hat y\big) + \lambda \cdot \sum_{n_{l-1}}^{N_{l-1}} |w_{n_{l-1}n_l}| $$

$$ \large \dot C_{n_l} \big(y, \hat y\big) = \dot C \big(y, \hat y\big) ± \lambda $$

Optimization Algorithms

Gradient Descend

Network parameters are updated after every training batch $S$, averaging across all training samples.

$$ \large O \big( \frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} \big) = \frac{1}{S} \cdot \sum_{s}^S{\frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}}} $$

Stochastic Gradient Descend

It is a gradient descend performed after every training sample $s$.

$$ \large O \big( \frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} \big) = \frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} $$

Adaptive Moment Estimation

Network parameters are updated after every training batch $S$, with an adapted value of the cost function derivatives.

$$ \large O \big( \frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} \big) = \frac{m_t}{\sqrt{v_t}+\epsilon} $$


$$ \large m_t = \beta_1 \cdot m_{t-1} + (1+\beta_1) \cdot \big( \frac{1}{S} \cdot \sum_{s}^S{\frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}}} \big) $$

$$ \large v_t = \beta_2 \cdot v_{t-1} + (1+\beta_2) \cdot \big( \frac{1}{S} \cdot \sum_{s}^S{\frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}}} \big) $$

where typically:

$$ \large m_0 = 0 $$

$$ \large v_0 = 0 $$

$$ \large \epsilon = 1/10^{\small 8} $$

$$ \large \beta_1 = 0.9 $$

$$ \large \beta_2 = 0.999 $$

Neural Network Implementation

%%{init: {"class": {"hideEmptyMembersBox": true}}}%%
ActivationFunction <|-- StepActivationFunction
ActivationFunction <|-- LinearActivationFunction
ActivationFunction <|-- Etc
<<Interface>> ActivationFunction
ActivationFunction : +virtual computeOutput(double intermediateQuantity) double
ActivationFunction : +virtual computeOutputDerivative(double intermediateQuantity) double
StepActivationFunction : +computeOutput(double intermediateQuantity) double
StepActivationFunction : +computeOutputDerivative(double intermediateQuantity) double
LinearActivationFunction : +computeOutput(double intermediateQuantity) double
LinearActivationFunction : +computeOutputDerivative(double intermediateQuantity) double
Etc :  ...
CostFunction <|-- QuadraticCostFunction
CostFunction <|-- EntropyCostFunction
CostFunction <|-- Etc
<<Interface>> CostFunction
CostFunction : +virtual computeCost(double output, double target) double
CostFunction : +virtual computeCostDerivative(double output, double target) double
EntropyCostFunction : +computeCost(double output, double target) double
EntropyCostFunction : +computeCostDerivative(double output, double target) double
QuadraticCostFunction : +computeCost(double output, double target) double
QuadraticCostFunction : +computeCostDerivative(double output, double target) double
Etc : ...
OptimizationAlgorithm <|-- GradientDescendOptimizationAlgorithm
OptimizationAlgorithm <|-- AdamOptimizationAlgorithm
OptimizationAlgorithm <|-- Etc
<<Interface>> OptimizationAlgorithm
OptimizationAlgorithm : +virtual computeWeightCorrection(vector~double~ batchOutputs, vector~double~ batchTargets) double
GradientDescendOptimizationAlgorithm : +computeWeightCorrection(vector~double~ batchOutputs, vector~double~ batchTargets) double
AdamOptimizationAlgorithm : +computeWeightCorrection(vector~double~ batchOutputs, vector~double~ batchTargets) double
Etc : ...
class Neuron
Neuron: +vector~double~ weights
Neuron: +shared_ptr~ActivationFunction~ activationFunction

class Layer
Layer: +vector~Neuron~ neurons


Given a model state $x$ and a set of possible actions at that state, a neural network computes the quality values $Q_a$ for each action $a$ so that the agent can take the best possible action at that particular state, which will be given by the highest $Q_a$. The problem consist in finding how to train such neural network as the target ${Q_a}^*$ values to train the network against, are in principle unknown. An iterative process is done in which a prediction for the target quality values ${Q_a}^*$ is made and periodically updated through experience.

Starting with the Bellman equation:

$$ \large Q(x,a)=R(x,a)+ \gamma \cdot max {Q(x', a')} $$

Which states that the $Q$ value of taking an action $a$ at state $x$, is equal to the immediate reward of taking the action, $R(x,a)$, plus the total $Q$ value obtained by chosing the best possible action thereafter. The discount factor $\gamma$ is added to the equation to stablish a priority between inmediate or later rewards.

Everytime the model is run, each step or transition is stored as part of the experience, or replay buffer:

class Transition
Transition: +vector~double~ state
Transition: +optional~vector~double~~ nextState
Transition: +double reward
Transition: +int actionId

After every transition, we use our network $[N]$ to select each action, $a = a(max Q(x, a))$, where $Q_a=[N]x$. Then, we may use the same network (DQN) or a second network (DDQN-double DQN), to calculate the new $Q_a$ through the Bellman equation, giving us an updated target value to train the network. In DDQN the network used to run the model is trained after every transition, using the buffer replay states and corresponding target $Q$ values, while the network used in the Bellman equation is only trained after a few number of transitions.
