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I extracted the data of the top rated 250 movies and the top rated 250 tv shows of all time from, and i created a complete rest api for these 2 resources using java and spring(boot/rest) framework.

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This is a RESTful api for the top 250 movies & top 25O tv shows of all time.
The data is extracted from using python and its librairies BeautifulSoup and requests. The api is written in java using spring(boot/rest) framework.

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Markdown Logo

example of a GET request: Markdown Logo

Data form

extracted data form:

    summary     :string
    releaseYear :int
    ratingValue :float
    ratingCount :int
    genres      :[string]
    stars       :[string]
    runtime     :float
    director    :string
    languages   :[string]
Tv Show:
    summary     :string
    releaseYear :int
    ratingValue :float
    ratingCount :int
    genres      :[string]
    stars       :[string]
    runtime     :float
    creator     :string
    languages   :[string]
    countries   :[string]
    episodes    :int

you can find the data inside dev-data folder in the root of the project.

Api Features

1. selecting fields

we can specify the fields to be returned from the server in the response using the fields query param.

syntaxe : ?fields=field1,field2,field3...
example : GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies?fields=title,summary,genres

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2. pagination

This api returns 250 result for both resources (250 movies & 250 tv shows).
This is quit a lot to return, so we paginate the result to make sure the results are easier to handle. we make use of 2 query params: page & limit.

	page: page number
	limit: number of results per page	

syntaxe: page=[page-number]&limit=[limit-value]
example: GET http://localhost:8080/api/shows?page=2&limit=4&fields=id,title,ratingValue\_ Markdown Logo

3. sorting

we can sort the returned results based on multiple fields(only desc).

syntaxe: ?sort=field1,field2
example: GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies?sort=releaseYear,ratingValue&fields=title,releaseYear,ratingValue

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=> combine theme all

example: GET http://localhost:8080/api/shows?sort=releaseYear,ratingValue,episodes&fields=title,releaseYear,ratingValue,episodes&page=3&limit=3

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Api Endpoints

GET     /api/movies
GET     /api/movies/:id
POST    /api/movies
PUT     /api/movies
PATCH   /api/movies
DELETE  /api/movies/:id
GET     /api/shows
GET     /api/shows/:id
POST    /api/shows
PUT     /api/shows
PATCH   /api/shows
DELETE  /api/shows/:id

Choosing The Media Type

we can choose the media type(format) of the response. It can be JSON or XML.

method1 of choosing the media type:

using a query param named mediaType (by default its json)
syntax: ?mediaType=[xml|json]
example: GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies?mediaType=xml

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method2 of choosing the media type:

setting the accept param in the headers to be "application/json" or "application/xml"

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Handling Exceptions

I handle many exceptions that may occur when a client is tying to consume the api.
The response is a custom class named ResponseError that gets converted to JSON(or XML) when returned.


exception cause
NotFoundException request to a resource that does not exist.

GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies/99999999 Markdown Logo


exception cause
ConstraintViolationException a constraint violation for request param

for example, we set in the rest controller that the movieId must be positive

    public class MovieRestController{
        @GetMapping(path = "/{movieId}")
        public ResponseEntity<Movie> findById(@Positive @PathVariable int movieId) {
            if (movieId > 250) {
                throw new NotFoundException("no movie with id " + movieId + " is found");
            return new ResponseEntity<>(movies[movieId - 1], HttpStatus.OK);


and the client is providing a negative one

GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies/-1 Markdown Logo


exception cause
HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException request to a not supported/allowed HTTP method

COPY http://localhost:8080/api/movies Markdown Logo


exception cause
MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException request with a bad type for a request param (for ex movieId is expected to be an int)

GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies/not_an_int Markdown Logo


exception cause
HttpMessageNotReadableException bad value for a field, for ex the title is expected to be a json string but the client is sending an array

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exception cause
MethodArgumentNotValidException constraint violation for one of the fields in a POST/PUT/PATCH request

Here is the java code for the Movie entity

public class Movie{
    private Integer id;

    @NotBlank(message = "title must not be blank")
    private String title;

    @NotBlank(message = "summary must not be blank")
    private String summary;

    @Max(value = 2020, message = "invalid release Year")
    @Min(value = 1900, message = "invalid release Year")
    private Integer releaseYear;

    @Min(value = 0, message = "minimum rating value is 0")
    @Max(value = 10, message = "maximum rating value is 10")
    private Double ratingValue;

    @Min(value = 1, message = "minimum rating count is 1")
    private Double ratingCount;

    @JacksonXmlElementWrapper(localName = "genres")
    @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "genre")
    private List<@NotBlank(message="genre must not be blank")String> genres;

    @JacksonXmlElementWrapper(localName = "stars")
    @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "star")
    private List<@NotBlank(message="star name must not be blank") String> stars;

    @Min(value = 1, message = "minimum runtime of a movie is 1 mn")
    private Double runtime;

    private String director;

    @JacksonXmlElementWrapper(localName = "languages")
    @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "language")
    private List<@NotBlank(message="language must not be blank") String> languages;


I'm using hibernate validator to validate the beans before processing them.

and here is an example of the client not respecting the constraints. Markdown Logo

Use it locally

  • Make sure You have Java +11 installed (along with JAVA_HOME env varibale)

  • Make sure you have Maven installed (along with MAVEN_HOME & M2_HOME env variables)

  • Download the projet as a zip file

  • Unzip it

  • Open the terminal & run

    mvn spring-boot:run    
  • Head to http://localhost:8080/api/movies?mediaType=json


I extracted the data of the top rated 250 movies and the top rated 250 tv shows of all time from, and i created a complete rest api for these 2 resources using java and spring(boot/rest) framework.






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