Implementation of Perceptron, Winnow and Adagrad-Perceptron, along with their averaged versions on synthetic and real world datasets
- Synthetic Sparse data: training, development, test.
- Synthetic Dense data: training, development, test.
- Real data set: Training = CoNLL; Dvelopment = CoNLL and Enron; Test: CoNLLand Enron.
If you run the main function without doing any changes, you will get the following:
- News Dev Accuracy For Averaged Perceptron
- Email Dev Accuracy for Averaged Perceptron
- News Dev Accuracy for SVM
- Email Dev Accuracy for SVM
- Accuracies of 7 seven models for sparse and synthetic development data. (14 train - 14 test accuracies are printed)
Each algorithm runs for 10 iterations. This is because averaged versions require some catch up with their normal versions.I talk about this in my report.
The implementation of Adagrad, Winnow and Perceptron are all under Classifier class.
If averaged variable is True, average versions of the algorithms are implemented.
Functions | Usage |
Plottng Learning Curves of 7 models | Uncomment lines 944-945 |
Hyperparameter Tuning for Winnow | Uncomment line 937 |
Hyperparameter Tuning for Adagrad | Uncomment line 936 |
The pdf file includes all the experiments I did with seven linear learning algorithms.
Thank you for reading, please let me know if anyone has problems running the script.