Doubly hybrid methods for PySCF.
SCF must run in RI-JK currently. Correlation part (PT2 part) is definitely density fitting. Runs in disk-based way by default.
from pyscf import gto, dh
mol = gto.Mole(atom="O; H 1 0.94; H 1 0.94 2 104.5", basis="cc-pVDZ", verbose=0).build()
mf = dh.DFDH(mol, xc="XYG3").run()
print(mf.e_tot) # -76.36230265411723 in Hartree
Name dh
refers to Doubly Hybrid.
refers to Density Fitting Doubly Hybrid.
from pyscf import gto, dh, data
from pyscf.geomopt.berny_solver import optimize # or geometric_solver
mol = gto.Mole(atom="O; H 1 1.0; H 1 1.0 2 104.5", basis="cc-pVDZ", verbose=0).build()
mf = dh.DFDH(mol, xc="XYG3").nuc_grad_method()
mol_eq = optimize(mf) # optimized molecule object
# print geom coordinates in Angstrom
print(mol_eq.atom_coords() * data.nist.BOHR)
# [[ 0.00573557 0. 0.00740783]
# [ 0.9649555 0. 0.02121004]
# [-0.22107107 0. 0.93952977]]
from pyscf import gto, dh
mol = gto.Mole(atom="O; H 1 0.94; H 1 0.94 2 104.5", basis="cc-pVDZ", verbose=0).build()
mf = dh.DFDH(mol, xc="XYG3").polar_method().run()
print(mf.pol_tot.trace() / 3) # 4.9747082620200915 in a.u.
Hessian is currently not implemented.
- python >= 3.7
Refer to installation of PySCF Extension modules.
Declare PYSCF_EXT_PATH=$PYSCF_EXT_PATH:/path/to/dh
should work.
This extension overwhelmingly relies on pyscf/pyscf-tblis.
Also recommands modifing EINSUM_MAX_SIZE
and lib_einsum_max_size
(in your PySCF config, refer to PYSCF_CONFIG_FILE
to much smaller value for dh
If you are not using functionals with "-D3" suffix, you can safely omit this part.
To calculate functionals that includes D3 dispersion correction, user may need to install pyscf/dftd3 as an extension of PySCF.
Furthermore, this extension requires a dynamic library
, which should be compiled by user.
- Source code of the library could be accessed from ajz34/libdftd3;
- Make the library in folder
; - Copy the generated file
A reminder to experienced PySCF users is that, the library
ajz34/libdftd3 is not identical to it's original form
cuanto/libdftd3. So please do not copy your old
to extension pyscf/dftd3
Version 0.1.3 of this extension dh
corresponds to PySCF versions before 2022.
For newer PySCF versions, dh
v0.1.3 will not work due to code change of pyscf.dft.numint.cache_xc_kernel
Version 0.1.4 of this extension dh
corresponds to newer PySCF versions (v2.1.0).
- Supported features: Res/Unrestricted single point energy, gradient, static polarizability for XYG3-like and B2PLYP-like doubly functionals
- Supported doubly hybrid functional (and MP2, certainly) keywords:
xDH@B3LYP family: revXYG3, revXYGJ-OS, XYG5, XYGJ-OS5, XYG6, XYG7
DSD family with D3(BJ) dispersion correction (version 2013): DSD-PBEP86-D3, DSD-PBEPBE-D3, DSD-BLYP-D3, DSD-PBEB95-D3
Non-consistent functionals: HF-B3LYP, HF-PBE0 (no PT2 contribution)
Self-defined functionals (only supports pure HF or hybrid GGA functionals, if gradient/electric property is required)
("xc_SCF", "xc_energy", coef_PT2, coef_OS_PT2, coef_SS_PT2)
Default functional is XYG3 currently.
Warning: Energy of DFT-D3(BJ) dispersion functionals haven't been tested and compared to other softwares thoroughly!
- Quadrupole;
- Rectify APIs, and more formal logging and timing;
- API document and user document;
- Efficiency benchmarking
- Preliminary tests shows good performance for small molecules with large basis sets;
- Polarizability should gain much speedup due to its algorithm implementation.
- Another independent module (maybe called
) handling only energy evaluation for more doubly-hybrid functionals, such as Laplace-transformation, long-range corrected PT2, renormalization based methods, random-phase-approximation (RPA) based methods, etc.; - Hessian and dipole-derivative;
- Frozen core;
- RIJONX, RICOSX and conventional SCF method supports;
- Laplace-transformation method derivatives;
- PBC energy;
- Other derivative properties ...
For functional energy evaluation, refers to the origin paper of those functionals.
For first order properties (xDH atom nuclear gradient, dipole moment first implemented in local NWChem):
Neil Qiang Su, Igor Ying Zhang, Xin Xu. J. Comput. Chem. 2013, 34, 1759-1774. doi: 10.1002/jcc.23312
Analytic Derivatives for the XYG3 Type of Doubly Hybrid Density Functionals: Theory, Implementation, and Assessment
For second order properties (hessian of xDH obtained from conventional SCF/PT2 in local Gaussian 09, where polarizability is also implemented) that relates to this work:
Yonghao Gu, Zhenyu Zhu, Xin Xu. submitted.
Predecessor of this work is Py_xDH.