Ajinkya Bapat - ajinkyabapat1@gmail.com
#Demo :
Install VS code Install Node js Install Angular CLI : npm install -g @angular/cli once done with all installation ,run following commands ng update npm install install --save-dev @angular-devkit/build-angular npm start
- Angular 4 application (scaffolded with angular-cli)
- Built around RxJS Observables
- One way data flow and events based processing
- Immutable shopping cart to increase performance by enabling the OnPush change detention strategy that drastically reduces the change subtree Angular needs to process.
- Unit tested via Karma and Jasmine.
- SinonJS used for test mocking.
- Minimal styling with Foundation CSS used as the base framework and SCSS used to process custom styles.
- Basic example of async e2e test using new (async/await) Typescript syntax.
Install the npm dependencies
npm install
npm run build
npm run test
npm run e2e
HTTP development server
npm run start
Then navigate to http://localhost:4200/
HTTPS development server (note: the development certificate will have to be added as a trusted CA)
npm run start:https
Then navigate to https://localhost:4200/