Releases: aizuda/doc-apis
Releases · aizuda/doc-apis
- Document generation adaptation for the PageHelper pagination plugin.
- Document generation adaptation for the easy-es paginator.
- Documentation generation compatibility with classes packed into a JAR file where comments cannot be read.
- Provision of a SpringBoot Starter for zero-configuration use.
- Provision of configurable options for SpringBoot.• Provision of automatic Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support.
- Provision of watermark setting functionality.
- Provision of confidentiality level setting functionality.
- Provision of online debugging features (supporting custom request URLs, request headers, and other functionalities available in Swagger).
- Upgrade Fastjson to a zero CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) version.
- Upgrade JavaParser to the latest version, ensuring compatibility and adapting code as necessary.
- Adaptation for JDK versions from 8 to 21.
- Resolution of issues where some interface parameters were missing when generating API documentation using Freemarker, leading to abnormal termination of the entire generation process.
- Resolution of type conversion exceptions caused by the use of wildcard generic types in interface parameters, leading to abnormal termination of the entire generation process.
- Resolution of issues where DDD scanners failed to recognize scenarios without @RestController or @controller annotations.
- Resolution of problems where interfaces could not be read.
- Refactoring of a large amount of code.
- Provision of a more comprehensive, friendly, and understandable bilingual official website.
- 文档生成适配pageHelper分页插件
- 文档生成适配easy-es分页器
- 文档生成适配类被打进jar中无法读取注释功能
- 提供springboot starter 零配置使用
- 提供springboot开放配置项
- 提供自动跨域功能
- 提供设置水印功能
- 提供设置密级功能
- 提供在线调试功能(支持自定义请求URL,请求Header等swagger具备的功能)
- 升级fastjson至零CVE版本
- 升级javaparser至最新版本,并兼容和适配代码
- 适配jdk8~jdk21
- 解决freemarker生成接口文档时,部分接口参数缺失导致整个生成异常终止问题
- 解决接口参数中使用wildcard通配符时,类型强转异常导致整个生成异常终止问题
- 解决DDD扫描器无法识别未加@RestController/@controller的场景
- 解决interface类型的接口无法被读取问题
- 重构大量代码
- 提供更详尽友好易懂的双语官网