Releases: aiddata/gcdf-geospatial-data
GeoGCDF v3.0.1
GeoGCDF v3.0.0
Pre-release reflecting the exact version of GeoGCDF v3 dataset submitted alongside the associated academic publication in Nature's Scientific Data. See main repo README for publication details.
This release is for archival purposes. For all practical applications of the dataset, please use the latest release available.
GitHub versions of the GeoGCDF now better reflect the associated versions of the GCDF. E.g., The GCDF v3.0 is associated with GCDF v3.0.0. We will increment the patch version for geospatial / code related changes, and the major/minor version for changes to the underlying project level data.
Initial release version of geospatial features extracted from OpenStreetMaps (OSM) for AidData's Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset.
- the GitHub release versions are separate from the version of AidData's Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset (currently 2.0)
- GitHub release versions may be reflective of notable changes in either data or code. Please always read release notes