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Verification of Memory Using Class Based Environment and UVM Environment.


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This project is focused on creating a class-based verification environment using SystemVerilog and UVM environment to verify a Single Port Memory module. The project includes the design of a test bench, an interface, and the memory module itself. The primary goal is to ensure the memory module functions correctly by simulating various scenarios through a structured environment.

Memory Block Diagram

memory block This diagram represents the Single Port Memory module. It shows the inputs and outputs of the memory, including:

  • clk: clock signal.
  • reset_n: active-low reset signal.
  • write_en: write enable signal.
  • read_en: read enable signal.
  • data_in [32]: 32-bit input data bus.
  • address [4]: 4-bit address bus.
  • data_out [32]: 32-bit output data bus.
  • valid_out: output valid signal indicating data availability.

Test Cases to ensure Functional Coverage

Class Environment

Test Cases Overview

  • TC #01: Reset and read all locations after reset all should be zeros.
  • TC #02: Write to all locations with 0xfaf5 and read from all to ensure they contain 0xfaf5.
  • TC #03: Write to boundary address 0 and ensure correct reading.
  • TC #04: Write to boundary address 15 and ensure correct reading.
  • TC #05: Reset, write value 0x5fff to address 5, and read it from the same address to ensure correctness.
  • TC #06: Write to an out-of-bound memory address like -1 or 16; no write should occur.

Class based Env Diagram

Class Environment This diagram illustrates the architecture of the test bench environment. It includes the following components:

  • Interface: Encapsulates all input and output signals for the DUT except the clk signal.
  • Virtual Interface: Acts as an abstraction layer between the test bench components and the memory DUT.
  • Transaction Class: Encapsulates the data that is transferred between different components.
  • Sequencer Class: Responsible for generating and managing the sequence of transactions.
  • Driver Class: Drives the transactions to the DUT (Design Under Test) using the virtual interface.
  • Monitor Class: Monitors signals and captures the transactions for analysis and send them to Scoreboard and Subscriber.
  • Subscriber Class: Receives transactions from the Monitor and processes them to collect coverage.
  • Scoreboard Class: Compares expected and actual results to determine if the DUT behaves as intended.

General Workflow inside Class Based Environment

  1. Initialization: The test bench environment is initialized inside top module, setting up all classes, interfaces, and their connections.

  2. Transaction Generation: The Sequencer generates a sequence of transactions using randomization to test various scenarios such as reads, writes, resets, addresses and data input.

  3. Transaction Execution: The Driver takes these transactions and map them on the DUT through the Virtual Interface.

  4. Monitoring: The Monitor observes the execution and sends the captured transactions to the Subscriber and Scoreboard.

  5. Analysis: The Subscriber processes the transactions and collects coverage.

  6. Validation: The Scoreboard checks if the actual output matches the expected output, determining if the DUT passes the test.

UVM Environment Diagram

Environment Diagram The UVM environment for verifying the memory block includes the following components:

  • Top: Sets up the environment and runs the tests.
  • Test: Contains the test scenarios.
  • Env: The environment class that instantiates and connects all UVM components.
  • Agent: The agent that encapsulates the driver, monitor, and sequencer.
  • Sequencer: Provides a sequence of transactions to the driver.
  • Driver: Sends input stimuli to the DUT (Device Under Test).
  • Monitor: Observes the inputs and outputs of the DUT.
  • Scoreboard: Compares the DUT output with the expected result.
  • Subscriber: Collect coverage data.
  • Sequence item: The sequence-item consist of data fields required for generating the stimulus.
  • Sequence: The sequence generates a series of sequence_item’s and sends it to the driver via sequencer.

File Structure

├── Class Based Env
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── file.f
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── temp.tcl
│   ├──
│   └──
├── DUT
│   └──
├── UVM Based Env
│   ├── my_agent.svh
│   ├── my_driver.svh
│   ├── my_env.svh
│   ├── my_if.svh
│   ├── my_monitor.svh
│   ├──
│   ├── my_scoreboard.svh
│   ├── my_sequencer.svh
│   ├── my_sequence.svh
│   ├── my_subscriber.svh
│   ├── my_test.svh
│   ├── sequence_item.svh
│   └──


  • SystemVerilog - IEEE 1800 Standard
  • UVM - Cookbook by Siemens Verification Academy
  • UVM - Universal Verification Methodology by Siemens Verification Academy


Verification of Memory Using Class Based Environment and UVM Environment.








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