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Daniel Zhou 周翔 edited this page Oct 28, 2019 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the verifyTrusty wiki!

Documentation about ARM TrustZone

Articles about Trusty


A trustlet is a secure application running on TEE OS. Example trustlets in trusty source tree:


Building Trusty

Our experience in building trusty

To compile, follow the instructions in the trusty website

Getting the Dependency List for A Specific File

  • Install BEAR - a compilation database for clang which generates a JSON file compile_commands.json during build
  • In trusty/trusty/vendor/google/aosp/scripts/, change line 112 to:
  if project == "generic-arm32-debug":
      cmd += "; bear make " + project + " -j " + str( + " -S "
  • Run trusty/trusty/vendor/google/aosp/scripts/ generic-arm32-debug
  • In the current folder, a compilation commands file compile_commands.json will be generated. In this file, search for the file name of interest, copy the arguments
  • Paste the arguments to a .sh file, get rid of the quotes, commas and line breaks, run the .sh file to get the object file

From Werner