The application can be deployed using docker.
It contains five container services:
- Nginx frontend routing to django framework on point 2.
- Django Restframework 3.2 version with gunicorn server.
- Postgres database.
- Elasticsearch server.
- Adminer UI to interact with postgres database.
To start the MessageCast Application, cd into the cloned directory and then run below command:
docker-compose up
If using Mac M1/M2 system, run below command:
DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 docker-compose up
The application can then be accessed at http://localhost:8080
Once the application has started, on another terminal tab, execute below commands to run a few setup steps in the django container:
docker exec -it web bash
- Rebuild elasticsearch index:
python3.9 search_index --rebuild
- Create a super admin user -
python3.9 createsuperuser
- fill out the prompts to create an admin user