!IMPORTANT: this repository was used in 2015 and is no longer supported.
Software stack represented as [ansible roles] (http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_roles.html).
The main idea of this repository is to have a reusable base for every project infrastructure.
From one project to another I see that some code samples are same for every project,
so I need a library for them to avoid copy-and-paste and keep my projects infrastructure up-to-date.
This roles collection provides only simple way to install software
and, for some reasons, can contain a bit of configuration (ex. my vim config that is same for every project).
All other configuration should be bundled with current project
and this roles collection may be used as git submodule (this approach can be found in my [workstation] (https://github.com/aeryaguzov/workstation) project).
There are two ways to represent php setup
one "god" role
many small roles
I prefer second way (IMO like Unix way), so you can see many roles starting with "php-".
The main roles are php-cli and php-fpm as they represent php SAPI setup, php-ext-* represent php extensions.
There are also php-{SAPI}-env-dev and php-{SAPI}-env-prod, which represents common configs for development and production environment respectively.