Simple network scanner built with Scapy for Python
Perform either an ARP scan or TCP scan.
- An ARP scan will send ARP requests to all devices on the local network, and collect the ARP replies to discover IP address to MAC address mappings.
- A TCP scan will send TCP SYN packets to all specified ports, and collect the SYN+ACK replies to discover which ports are open.
If you are on a UNIX-based system, please run the script as root (use sudo).
usage: [-h] {ARP,TCP} ...
positional arguments:
{ARP,TCP} Command to perform.
ARP Perform a network scan using ARP requests.
TCP Perform a TCP scan using SYN packets.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Either an IP address or IP address range can be used. For example, python3 ARP
scans all IP addresses in the subnet.
usage: ARP [-h] IP
positional arguments:
IP An IP address (e.g. or address range (e.g. to scan.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Either specific ports or a range of ports can be used. For example, python3 TCP --range 0 1000
scans all ports from 0 to 1000.
usage: TCP [-h] [--range] IP ports [ports ...]
positional arguments:
IP An IP address or hostname to target.
ports Ports to scan, delimited by spaces. When --range is specified,
scan a range of ports. Otherwise, scan individual ports.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--range Specify a range of ports. When this option is specified, <ports>
should be given as <low_port> <high_port>.
If you receive AttributeError: 'L2bpfSocket' object has no attribute 'ins'
, you likely need to run the script as root (use sudo).