An approach to provide a source of light to the needy people during any pandemic situation. Basically, Aashray is a sanskrit word which means a shelter. As the name suggests, our app aims to provide shelter and food for the needy people stucked in any pandemic situation. By getting real-time location of the user, the app locates a self offered Aashray or shelter or a food source provided by the volunteer who offered by their consent.
- As we assume that flutter is properly installed on the machine, please do follow the below steps to test the App.
Note: The App is currently built for Android only.
- Git clone the project into the directory of your choice.
git clone
- Change directory to Aashray
cd ./Aashray
- We need to add the required Directions API key and Maps API key at the specified locations.
Read here:
- Add the Google Map API key in the AndriodManifest.xml file in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml directory on line 42
<meta-data android:name=""
android:value="Google API key"/>
- Add the Directions API key in the locate_aashray.dart file in lib/Classes/locate_aashray/locate_aashray.dart on line 32
final String googleAPiKey = "Directions API key";
- Run the following commands to download all required dependancies.
flutter clean
flutter pub get
- Now after doing all the necessary steps, we are ready to run the App.
flutter run
Default Screen | Aashray Screen |
In this default page, you can volunteer for Aashray or Food |
Here you can see and edit your entered aashray details |
Food Provider Screen | Emergency Screen |
Here you can see and edit your entered details for providing a meal |
This screen will let you know the emergency and provide aashray or food provider's details |
Latest News | ChatBot Help |
Here you can see the latest global News. It will make you aware of the current situation about any mishap. |
This unique feature will provide an extra help in any situation. |
- We assume that firebase project is already created for the app and google-services.json is added to android/app. Follow the below steps to test.
i. Setup Firebase Auth.
ii. Add SHA Keys in the project.
iii. Create Firebase Firestore Database.
- Create a Collection named Disaster Locations
Create a Document named Your area Pincode e.g 440001 (In)
Add field Type and value with any type of disaster as shown.
- Good to go!
Your location is added in emergency locations. You can test the Emergency Screen now.