What's Changed
- Refactor API data access. Build access blocks for Info, Status and Charging Data and separate failsafe updates.
- Redefined retry mechanisms. Each dataset is now accessed and retried separately.
- Refactor and separate sensors and entities setup and updates by dataset.
- Failsafe start. All sensors and entities shall be created and wait for updates, even if data is not available.
- Failsafe start exception to Basic Vehicle Info, which will result on integration not being deployed on first setup..
- Revise GPS sensor setup and update
Dev's Notes
First of all, thank you for your support and patience with the development of this integration. It's quite challenging to build something from scratch and getting it working properly for everyone, at least the best way possible, whilst coping with data from MG.
I hope that this version is able to solve a lot of the issues for some of the users, being the most important the "Generic Responses". On this matter, I've heard from MG Europe that, acknowledging their actual limitations on software and vehicles' SIM cards, they are working on a way to get data faster and reliably from the vehicles. Let's see when they do come up with a solution for this.
In the meanwhile, I tried to establish a ladder setup process, with several retries, to try to force data update from vehicles and get this to work as smooth as possible.
If you have any issues or suggestions, do not hesitate to provide your feedback here: https://github.com/ad-ha/mg-saic-ha/issues/new/choose