Introductory tutorial for using OODT services as Docker containers.
This tutorial provides a simple introduction to using OODT services as Docker containers. It sets up a simple system composed of one OODT File Manager (FM) and one OODT Workflow Manager (WM), running in separate Docker containers on the same host. The WM is configured to execute a "test-workflow" composed of 2 jobs ("PGEs"), each of which produces an output file. The FM is configured to archive the output files as products of type "TestFile".
This tutorial is based on Docker images built from OODT 1.0. The system architecture is shown in the attached image file.
- Docker (for Linux, Mac or Windows)
- Git
Download the source code from this GitHub repository:
git clone
cd hello-oodt
Optionally: pre-download the OODT images (will make the next step faster):
docker pull oodthub/oodt-filemgr:latest
docker pull oodthub/oodt-wmgr:latest
Start the docker containers:
Open a terminal window, then:
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f
Submit a test-workflow (from inside the WM container):
Open another terminal window, then:
docker exec -it wmgr /bin/bash
[root@abc123] cd $OODT_HOME/cas-workflow/bin
[root@abc123] ./wmgr-client --url http://localhost:9001 --operation --sendEvent --eventName test-workflow --metaData --key Dataset abc --key Project 123 --key Run 1
Follow the workflow execution in the WM log file:
[root@abc123] tail -f $OODT_HOME/cas-workflow/logs/cas_workflow.log
When the workflow has finished executing, the log file will show the message "Ingests were successful".
Verify that products were generated and ingested (from inside the FM container):
Open yet another terminal window, then:
docker exec -it filemgr /bin/bash
Inspect the job execution directory:
[root@cde456] ls -l $OODT_HOME/jobs/*
List the content of the File Manager archive:
[root@cde456] ls -l $OODT_ARCHIVE/test-workflow
Make a metadata request to the Solr back-end:
[root@cde456] curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/oodt-fm/select?q=*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true'
Inspect the File Manager log file:
[root@cde456] cat $OODT_HOME/cas-filemgr/logs/cas_filemgr.log
Stop the running containers. In the first terminal window, type "ctrl-C" to end the Docker log display, then:
docker-compose down
The following directories contain the OODT configuration for this particular tutorial, and are cross-mounted from the local host into the Docker containers (WM or FM):
- WM and FM configurations: ./config:/usr/local/oodt/workflows
- PGEs (programs to be executed): ./pges:/usr/local/oodt/pges/
The following directories are managed by Docker but shared between the WM and FM containers:
- jobs: /usr/local/oodt/jobs
- archive: /usr/local/oodt/archive
The OODT services can be accesed at the following URLs, from within the containers:
- Workflow Manager: http://wmgr:9001 (POST only)
- File manager: http://filemgr:9000 (POST only)
- Solr: 'http://filemgr:8983/solr/oodt-fm/select?q=*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true' (query for all products)
From outside the containers, the same URLs can be accessed as "localhost", or at the IP address used by the Docker Host engine.
Within each container, OODT services are started through supervisord, but then deamonize themselves. The best way to stop/start/restart the services is to do it outside the containers using the docker-compose utilities, for example:
docker-compose stop/start/restart oodt_filemgr
docker-compose stop/start/restart oodt_wmgr
docker-compose stop/start/restart (all services)
- Workflow Manager: $OODT_HOME/cas-workflow/logs/cas-workflow.log
- File Manager: $OODT_HOME/cas-filemgr/logs/cas_filemgr.log
- Supervisor: /tmp/supervisord.log
The WM and FM containers are configured to automatically look for workflows and product types in all sub-directories of the root directory $OODT_CONFIG = $OODT_HOME/workflows, which is mapped to the local host directory ./config. To add a new workflow:
- add the workflow and product type definitions to ./config/new-workflow/policy
- add the PGE configurations to ./config/new-workflow/pge-configs (referencing PGEs located under $PGE_ROOT)
- add the PGEs to ./pges/new-workflow