This project maintains a curated list of stacking contracts for Collab.Land's token gating capabilities.
Check out the project
git clone
Install dependencies
npm install
Run the build
npm run build
Run the example
node dist/__examples__/main
Please collect the following information for your staking contract:
- Chain id, contract address, and optional asset names (if multiple asset types can be staked to the contract) for the staking contract
- Solidity source code and/or ABI for the staking contract
- Chain id and contract address(es) for the original contract containing tokens to be staked
To add a new staking contract, please follow the steps below.
Add the contract ABI json file, go to
and create a file such asmy-abi.json
npm run build
to generate TypeScript client code for the contract -
Add an adapter class to
import {BindingScope, extensionFor, injectable} from '@loopback/core';
import {BigNumber} from 'ethers';
import {STAKING_ADAPTERS_EXTENSION_POINT} from '../keys.js';
import {BaseStakingContractAdapter, StakingAsset} from '../staking.js';
// Use the full path to import instead of `../types`
import {Coco__factory} from '../types/factories/Coco__factory.js';
scope: BindingScope.SINGLETON, // Mark the adapter as a singleton
// Mark it as an extension to staking contracts service
export class CocoStakingContractAdapter extends BaseStakingContractAdapter {
* The contract address
contractAddress = '0x0Df016Fb18ef4195b2CF9d8623E236272ec52e14';
* Assets that can be staked to this contract
supportedAssets: StakingAsset[] = [
asset: 'ERC721:0x1A331c89898C37300CccE1298c62aefD3dFC016c',
* Get staked token ids for the given owner
* @param owner - Owner address
* @returns
getStakedTokenIds(owner: string): Promise<BigNumber[]> {
const contract = Coco__factory.connect(this.contractAddress, this.provider);
return contract.getStakes(owner);
- Register the adapter class to
// Copyright Abridged, Inc. 2022. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: @collabland/staking-contracts
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at
import {
} from '@loopback/core';
import {CocoStakingContractAdapter} from './adapters/coco.adapter';
import {MtgStakingContractAdapter} from './adapters/mtg.adapter';
import {RirsuStakingContractAdapter} from './adapters/rirsu.adapter';
import {RoboStakingContractAdapter} from './adapters/robo.adapter';
import {SkyFarmContractAdapter} from './adapters/sky-farm.adapter';
import {STAKING_CONTRACTS_COMPONENT} from './keys';
import {StakingContractsService} from './services/staking-contracts.service';
// Configure the binding for StakingContractsComponent
export class StakingContractsComponent implements Component {
services: ServiceOrProviderClass<unknown>[] = [
constructor() {}
When you contribute code to this project, please check the following steps before submitting a pull request.
Run the tests
npm test
Format the code
npm run lint:fix
Sign off commits
Add a Signed-off-by trailer by the committer at the end of the commit log message. The sign-off certifies that the committer has the rights to submit the work under the project’s license or agrees to a Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).
See instructions at
After your pull request is merged, we'll publish a release of this package to npm. The new version will be picked up by Collab.Land servers (QA first, then production). Community admins can then use the newly added staking contract to define token gating rules.
npm run release