The intention of this application is to understand the GraphQL implementation in client side using libraries like apollo-client and graphql-tag. I do also enabled the CI-CD using Github action and Firebase Hosting which will host the application on every commit to the Master branch
GitHub action is being used to build this application during each commit to the Master Branch and that build package will be deploy in Fireabse To learn more check out my blog Hosting React application using Github actions to Firebase
- ⚛️ React⚙️: A light weight front end library
- 🗃 GraphQL: New player into the API world
- 📋 Apollo: Graphql library to handle all graphql requests
- 🌀 Ant Design: Cool CSS framework
- 💻 Firebase Hosting: Hosting platform by Google
- ⚙️ Github Action: A versatile CI-CD tool