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StormScript v1.0.0 Release Candidate 1

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@abbyonstott abbyonstott released this 13 Aug 03:09
· 52 commits to master since this release

StormScript v1.0.0

What's New

  • Use the $ symbol followed by a variable name inside of a string literal to concatenate that variable into the string
  • for INT runs a for loop starting at 0 and ending on INT
  • do is no longer required
  • rewrote interpreter to use switch statements
  • using enumerations to determine statements rather than string literal
  • functions can be declared in any scope
  • moved errors.sts from /usr/bin to /usr/share/stormscript
  • Function arguments no longer require you to specify the name
  • for PLACEHOLDER in LIST/STR creates a foreach loop
  • randomrange and rand now uses Mersenne Twister generation rather than cpp rand() function
  • added break for loops
  • errors are now parsed before runtime
  • modules are added to the file before runtime
  • modules are now scoped
  • def has been changed to a scope called init
  • sockets can be created with socket name => "FAMILY", "", "9999"

What's Fixed

  • Removed snapcraft files
  • Variables can be used in the filenames in the read and write commands
  • StormScript doesn't mess up when if statements are nested
  • boolean variables and literals now work in if statements
  • Comparisons always work out to booleans, meaning that they are now interchangeable
  • Random no longer generates integers outside of range
  • Scoped variable inheritance now works, so variables defined inside of a scope are accessible to the scope and any child scopes
  • Install script now uses all available processor cores
  • now installs stormscript to run tests
  • Better development documentation
  • The | operator is now .
  • scopes now work as a class, making development around scopes easier
  • constructors now use the arrow operator (=>) to declare constructors
  • using tabs instead of spaces

Release Candidate 1

  • Fixed class members not working in comparison operations
  • windows now has better support