<<<<<<< HEAD
Go package to implement the gomail.Sender
interface using the AWS Simple Email Service (SES).
Go package to implement the gomail.Sender
interface using the AWS Simple Email Service (sesv2).
Documentation is incomplete.
<<<<<<< HEAD
package main
import (
_ "github.com/aaronland/gomail-sender-ses"
import (
_ "github.com/aaronland/gomail-sender-ses/v2"
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func main() {
<<<<<<< HEAD
sender_uri := flag.String("sender-uri", "", "A valid aaronland/gomail-sender URI")
from := flag.String("from", "", "A valid From: address (that has been registered with SES)")
to := flag.String("to", "", "A valid To: address")
subject := flag.String("subject", "", "A valid email subject")
ctx := context.Background()
mail_sender, _ := sender.NewSender(ctx, *sender_uri)
msg := gomail.NewMessage()
msg.SetHeader("Subject", *subject)
msg.SetHeader("From", *from)
msg.SetHeader("To", *to)
msg.SetBody("text/plain", "This message left intentionally blank.")
gomail.Send(mail_sender, msg)
Error handling removed for the sake of brevity.
$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -o bin/send cmd/send/main.go
$> ./bin/send \
-sender-uri 'ses://?credentials={CREDENTIALS}®ion={REGION}'
-from bob@example.com \
-to alice@example.com \
-subject 'This is a test'
Sender URIs take the form of:
is a valid aaronland/go-aws-session
credentials string and {REGION}
is a valid AWS region.
Credentials strings for AWS sessions are defined as string labels. They are:
Label | Description |
env: |
Read credentials from AWS defined environment variables. |
iam: |
Assume AWS IAM credentials are in effect. |
Use the profile from the default AWS credentials location. |
Use the profile from a user-defined AWS credentials location. |
https://github.com/aaronland/go-aws-session ======= config_uri := "aws://?region={REGION}&credentials={CREDENTIALS}" sender_uri := fmt.Sprintf("ses://?config-uri=%s", url.QueryEscape)
from := "bob@bob.com" to := "alice@alice.com"
ctx := context.Background()
s, _ := sender.NewSender(ctx, sender_uri)
msg := gomail.NewMessage() msg.SetHeader("From", from) msg.SetHeader("To", to) msg.SetHeader("This is a test") msg.SetBody("text/plain", "This is a test")
gomail.Send(s, msg)
## Credentials
Credentials strings (as `?credentials={CREDENTIALS}`) are expected to be a valid [aaronland/go-aws-auth](https://github.com/aaronland/go-aws-auth?tab=readme-ov-file#credentials) credentials "label":
| Label | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `anon:` | Empty or anonymous credentials. |
| `env:` | Read credentials from AWS defined environment variables. |
| `iam:` | Assume AWS IAM credentials are in effect. |
| `sts:{ARN}` | Assume the role defined by `{ARN}` using STS credentials. |
| `{AWS_PROFILE_NAME}` | This this profile from the default AWS credentials location. |
| `{AWS_CREDENTIALS_PATH}:{AWS_PROFILE_NAME}` | This this profile from a user-defined AWS credentials location. |
For example:
## See also
* https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sesv2
* https://github.com/aaronland/gomail-sender
* https://github.com/aaronland/gomail/v2
* https://github.com/aaronland/go-aws-auth
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